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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.



The evidence Dom gave against the Scout leader who abused him helped to secure a conviction

All names and identifying details have been changed.

Participants have given us permission to share their experiences.

Dom gives an account of his case of child sexual abuse, which he feels was handled well by the police and the justice system.

He adds ‘I was lucky enough to have parents that supported me’.

Dom had a ‘good and supportive’ childhood, and did well academically. 

He joined the Cub Scouts when he was nine years old, and he enjoyed the activities with his friends.  

A teenage boy called Caden also attended as a young Scout leader.

One evening when the boys were getting changed for an activity, Caden took Dom into a cupboard, saying that he would help him get dressed. Caden sexually abused Dom, touching his penis. 

Dom says the abuse happened once. Although he felt that what Caden had done to him was strange, he didn't fully understand how wrong it was. 

Some time later, Dom discovered that he was one of several boys to have been sexually abused by Caden over a five or six-week period. One of the boys had told his parents who informed the police.

There was an investigation and Caden was convicted in court. Because of his age, he was put on an intervention programme for sexually harmful behaviour.

Dom did feel some anxiety during the case but he thinks the police and the social worker treated him very well throughout the interviews and court process. He was able to give a clear account of what had happened to him. As an adult, Dom learnt that his statement was used as part of Caden’s treatment.

Dom would like to have known this at the time, as he would have understood the value of his evidence. ‘Although I found it tough, looking back I am actually quite proud of that’ he says.

Dom adds that he had incredibly supportive parents who talked to him, asked questions and ultimately protected him. He feels that every child needs someone on their side to support them.

As an adult, having found out more from his parents, Dom comments that the Scout Association did not accept any responsibility for what happened to him and the other boys.  They wrote to his parents, but he says the letter showed little empathy and failed to acknowledge that anything bad had really happened to the boys.

Dom says that vigilance and thorough checks are essential for both adults and young people in leadership positions with children.  

He is aware that he was affected by the sexual abuse he experienced as a child, and by the court case. He has had counselling and has a good relationship with his partner.

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