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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.



Vulnerable after the death of his mother, Malachi was groomed and sexually abused by a relative

All names and identifying details have been changed.

Participants have given us permission to share their experiences.

Two weeks before Malachi went to boarding school for the first time, his adoptive mother died.

An older relative took advantage of this tragedy and befriended, groomed and sexually abused the 13-year-old boy.

Malachi explains that his relative, Anthony, was a medical professional. He started visiting Malachi at school and taking him for trips and short breaks at weekends. 

He groomed Malachi with presents and alcohol. Malachi thinks Anthony may have also given him drugs because he remembers having what he describes as psychotic experiences on some occasions.

Anthony sexually abused Malachi on these outings, in different locations, including hotels, campsites and his workplace accommodation. At the time, Malachi didn’t really understand what was happening or that it was wrong.

He didn’t tell anyone about the abuse because he had no one to tell. He was not popular at school and was thought to be ‘weird’ by the other boys.

In his mid teens, Malachi began to feel ‘a growing revulsion’ towards Anthony, who was ‘becoming increasingly obsessive’. When he was at home, he refused to speak to Anthony. Anthony then drove hundreds of miles to Malachi’s house, demanding to see him.

The abuse ended around this time, but it affected Malachi’s life significantly, and still does. He left school early due to drug problems, which continued into adulthood. He has a  personality disorder and severe anxiety and receives long-term psychotherapy.

He is unable to work, maintain friendships or deal with stress. Social situations make him feel paranoid and relationships with his adoptive family have broken down. For several years after the abuse ended, he was confused about his own sexual identity. 

Malachi also feels the stress caused by the sexual abuse has affected his physical health. 

He reported the abuse to the police when he was in his 30s. The police interviewed Anthony but no further action was taken. 

Malachi feels very strongly that there should be greater scrutiny and safeguarding where adults are responsible for the care of children. 

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