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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.



Years after she was sexually abused, Polly still feels that the investigation was inadequate

All names and identifying details have been changed.

Participants have given us permission to share their experiences.

Polly describes a complex and difficult family life. She was removed from her parents’ care and sent to live with relatives. 

This was not a safe place for her because her uncle sexually abused her. She has reported the abuse to the police, but is frustrated that no action has been taken.

Polly’s uncle, Sam, began abusing her when she was about six years old, and this continued until she was 12.

She remembers being questioned by a social worker about Sam exposing himself to two young female neighbours, and the police were also involved. Nothing was done to ensure she was safe. 

Polly first disclosed the abuse to another relative and was moved to a different location with another relative. When she was 15, she reported it to the police in the area she had moved to. 

An investigation followed, concerning Polly and two other girls. Photographs and videos were involved in the sexual abuse, and she is concerned that these may still be ‘out there’. 

She also worries that Sam still has access to children. She has informed police and social services of her concerns but says nothing has been done.

Polly suffers from PTSD and mental health difficulties as a result of the abuse. 

She feels wholly unsupported by the police. She believes that they did not follow proper procedures after her allegations and is frustrated by the lack of action. The original investigation took three years but she says paperwork has been lost, statements were not taken from other family members, and her uncle’s phone was not examined. 

She adds that the police did not keep her informed on the progress of the investigation – at one stage she heard nothing from them for nine months. She was told by letter that there was insufficient evidence for a prosecution. 


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