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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.



Suzy highlights services that let her down, and others that gave her excellent support

All names and identifying details have been changed.

Participants have given us permission to share their experiences.

Suzy was abused by her stepfather who was a convicted sex offender.

Social services had advised her mother how to protect her children, but did not maintain contact with the family.

Suzy was three years old when her mother began a relationship with a new partner, who moved in with the family.

She now knows that social services visited their home because Suzy’s stepfather had a conviction for sexually abusing a young girl. 

They explained the risks to her mother and set out guidance about what he should and should not be allowed to do with Suzy and her older sister – for example, bathing them and being left alone with them. 

Suzy says that her mother did not follow social services’ recommendations and she adds ‘They did not stay in contact ... I feel social services should have been more involved’. 

Suzy was sexually abused by her stepfather for many years. She says ‘Because I was so young I didn’t know it wasn’t normal’.

The relationship between Suzy’s mother and her stepfather broke up when Suzy was in her mid teens, and he left the family home. Suzy told her mother about the abuse, and she supported Suzy to report it to the police. 

She found the process of being interviewed by the police very distressing. ‘The examination was very cold … and I was told there was not enough evidence’. 

Suzy still finds this disappointing and difficult to believe, given her stepfather’s previous history of sexual abuse. She also feels let down that she was not directed to other services that might have helped her deal with her experiences. She felt she was not believed and began to doubt her own memories of what happened. 

Suzy was diagnosed with PTSD and has had group therapy which she found very helpful. She says ‘I am still in contact with some of the others … it is really nice to know you can call someone and they will understand’. 

Suzy would like victims and survivors to feel confident and supported to share their experiences. She says ‘I think there is masses to do about people talking about child sexual abuse. I felt ashamed of what had happened to me and now I realise I didn’t do anything wrong’.

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