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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Inquiry publishes summary of victims and survivors’ views on mandatory reporting

3 April 2019

The Inquiry has today (April 3) published a summary of victims and survivors’ views on mandatory reporting.

Members of the Inquiry’s Victims and Survivors Forum were asked whether they supported the introduction of legislation which would make the reporting of child sexual abuse a legal requirement in England and Wales.

A total of 130 responses were received, with the majority (88.6 percent) supporting the introduction of mandatory reporting. Many suggested the existence of such laws when they were abused might have meant their perpetrator was brought to justice.

The survey summary includes a range of views from respondents on both sides of the debate. For example, some said mandatory reporting laws would have discouraged them from disclosing their abuse.

The responses received will be taken into account as part of the Chair and Panel’s consideration of mandatory reporting.

The Inquiry is also set to hold a further seminar on mandatory reporting on April 29 - 30.

Taking place at the Inquiry’s hearing centre in Southwark, the seminar will consider arguments for and against the introduction of mandatory reporting laws, as well as the practical considerations involved.

An earlier seminar took place on 27 September 2018 and considered existing obligations to report child sexual abuse in England and Wales, as well as international models of mandatory reporting.

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