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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.


The media centre provides useful documents for journalists interested in the Inquiry public hearings and investigation reports. Timetables, press releases, summaries and a range of images and logos are also available. 

In-person Truth Project sessions conclude

6 January 2021

To protect the health of victims and survivors, we are following Government lockdown instructions and can no longer offer in-person Truth Project sessions. Participants who would like to share their experience with the Truth Project can still do so by phone, video call or in writing.

The Truth Project provides a supportive and safe opportunity for survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experiences with the Inquiry, and put forward suggestions for change to keep children safe in future. 

Child sexual abuse committed in schools was open secret, survivors tell Inquiry

17 December 2020

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published new research into child sexual abuse in schools, which finds that perpetrators frequently had reputations as abusers and their behaviour was often an ‘open secret’.

Inquiry finishes public hearings after more than 600 witnesses give evidence across 15 investigations

11 December 2020

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has finished its final public hearing after taking evidence from more than 600 witnesses over four years.

The Inquiry’s Chair, Professor Alexis Jay OBE, praised the integral contribution of victims and survivors of child sexual abuse in each of the 15 separate investigations.

The Inquiry has heard live evidence from a total of 648 witnesses, of whom 94 have been victims and survivors.

Inquiry to hold final public hearing into Effective Leadership of Child Protection

3 December 2020

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse will hold its final public hearing into Effective Leadership of Child Protection from 7-11 December.

The week-long hearing will focus on the critical issue of leadership in protecting children and responding to child sexual abuse, building on the evidence heard in the Inquiry’s 14 other investigations.

Child sexual abuse committed under guise of medical treatment, survivors tell Inquiry

3 December 2020

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published new research into child sexual abuse in healthcare contexts, which finds that healthcare practitioners abused their positions of trust and authority to sexually abuse children under the guise of medical procedures. 

1,000 victims and survivors share experience with the Truth Project by phone

30 November 2020

More than 1,000 survivors of child sexual abuse have now shared their experience with the Truth Project over the phone.

Inquiry updates responses to its recommendations

26 November 2020

The Inquiry has issued further updates on institutional responses to its recommendations.

Inquiry finds Catholic Church prioritised reputation over the welfare of children

9 November 2020

The Catholic Church prioritised its own reputation over the welfare of vulnerable children for decades, according to a report published today (November 10) by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

Child sexual abuse survivors call for honest conversations about impact of abuse

29 October 2020

Victims and survivors of child sexual abuse have described how they hope to raise awareness of the significant and long lasting impact that abuse can have on someone’s life. 

Truth Project relaunches in-person sessions for Deaf victims and survivors

28 October 2020

Deaf victims and survivors of child sexual abuse can share their experience with the Truth Project in person again, following its relaunch in line with Covid-19 guidelines.

The Truth Project, part of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, is encouraging Deaf victims and survivors to get in touch now before it draws to a close next year.

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