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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Cindy feels shame that as a seven year old, she didn’t prevent herself being sexually abused

read full account of Cindys experience

Cindy was seven years old when she was sexually abused by a school caretaker. 

Even though she was a young child, she is tormented by a feeling that she ‘allowed’ him to go on abusing her.

read full account of Cindys experience

The only significant ‘relationships’ Hallie had as a young girl were with men who sexually abused her

read full account of Hallies experience

Hallie had a difficult childhood and she craved care and affection.

She was sexually abused by several adult men who exploited her vulnerability.

read full account of Hallies experience

Ailish did not want to have a family of her own – she feels it is not possible to protect children

read full account of Ailishs experience

Ailish grew up in the 1980s in a close-knit community where, she says, ‘People were always in and out of each other’s houses’. 

An elderly neighbour took advantage of this trust to sexually abuse her. He said no one would believe her if she told, and sadly this was true.

read full account of Ailishs experience

Harry is still haunted by his experience in residential school

read full account of Harry s experience

Harry was prompted to speak about the sexual abuse he suffered as a child by recent reports of sex offences by football coaches against young players. He says he wishes he could have spoken about it earlier

The sexual abuse occurred at a residential primary school, where he was sent because of previous non-attendance at school. Some of the other lads were nice, he says, but others horrible, and some teachers ‘had it in for him’.

read full account of Harry s experience

Wynne says the abuse he suffered might ‘seem small’ but it has affected his whole life

read full account of Wynnes experience

Wynne was sexually abused by a teacher during a school outing. 

His mother told him not to tell anyone, and he was sent back to school where the abuser intimidated him.

read full account of Wynnes experience

Evonne felt different from children who seemed carefree. ‘I felt I had a big weight on my shoulders’

read full account of Evonnes experience

Evonne grew up with her mother and stepfather, who was very violent. 

Her mum relied on her own parents to help care for her children, but Evonne’s grandfather was an abuser.

read full account of Evonnes experience

Ninette wants people to be aware that children can perpetrate sexual abuse

read full account of Ninettes experience

Badly bullied, with her family overseas, Ninette was isolated at boarding school.

She had no one to turn to when a male pupil sexually abused her for five years.

read full account of Ninettes experience

After Alice reported the man who sexually abused her, he was left free to abuse other children for 25 years

read full account of Alices experience

Alice was sexually abused by a vicar who exploited her family’s vulnerability.

She says she was badly let down by the police and other authorities when her allegations were investigated.

read full account of Alices experience

In the children’s home, Gerrard says, ‘No one ever smiled, it was all angry violent faces’

read full account of Gerrards experience

As an unwanted baby, Gerrard spent his entire childhood and adolescence in children’s homes, where he suffered continual cruelty as well as physical and sexual abuse.

He says ‘I don’t think I discussed it once with any of my friends, even though it was happening to every single one of us’.

read full account of Gerrards experience

Archie wonders if he would have been a ‘better person’ had he been allowed an innocent childhood

read full account of Archies experience

Archie vividly recalls feeling ‘abandoned’ at the age of six years when he was sent to boarding school by his parents.

With little family involvement in his life, he was vulnerable to sexual abuse by a predatory and perverted teacher. For more than 50 years he has been trying to cope with the mental, physical and emotional damage caused by the abuse.

read full account of Archies experience

Soraya says that engaging with the Truth Project has given her a voice

read full account of Sorayas experience

Soraya, who grew up as a boy, describes a deprived and abusive childhood in a home where there was no emotional warmth. She was also sexually abused by a stranger.

She has constructive views on how children could be better protected and supported, and also on the role of the Truth Project.

read full account of Sorayas experience

Verona says ‘I was always in a heightened state of stress as I didn’t know what was coming next’

read full account of Veronas experience

Verona endured a catalogue of abuse, including sexual abuse and neglect, throughout her childhood and adolescence.

She believes if we invested more in protecting children, it would easily exceed the cost of abuse to services and society.

read full account of Veronas experience

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