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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Cary was sexually abused by two different men in positions of trust

read full account of Carys experience

Cary describes a distant relationship with his parents.

He formed attachments to other adults, but was abused by them. 

read full account of Carys experience

Having been forced to cover up that she was being abused, Eleri says ‘The truth matters’

read full account of Eleris experience

Decades after Eleri was sexually abused by her foster father, Tim, she faced him in court.

Although she was devastated at the time that he was not convicted, she still feels that she gained something from the courage she showed in reporting the abuse, and giving evidence in relation to the abuse in court. 

read full account of Eleris experience

Kyla feels she was let down by the care system and the police

read full account of Kylas experience

Kyla’s parents were drug addicts who did not show any love to their children.

After they got divorced, the children were sent to different carers for respite periods. Kyla was sexually abused by the adult son of her foster parents.

read full account of Kylas experience

Tommie feels guilt and frustration that as a child, he was not able to say that he was being abused

read full account of Tommies experience

Tommie attended a small village primary school. When he was seven years old, his class teacher, Mr Dunn, sexually abused him on multiple occasions throughout the whole school year.

He says that as a child he was ‘as quiet as a mouse’, and he believes this was why Mr Dunn singled him out for sexual abuse. 

read full account of Tommies experience

The priest who sexually abused Beverley ‘fitted in with the family and was very fun to be around’

read full account of Beverleys experience

Beverley was born into a large religious family. She went to church every week and she attended the church school.

One day a new priest arrived, and Beverley says her mother ‘took him under her wing’. Edwin would visit their home frequently and have dinner with the family.

read full account of Beverleys experience

Davina was sexually abused and underfed in foster care, but her social worker decided she was a liar

read full account of Davinas experience

Davina has discovered from her social services files that when she was a small child, she was labelled a ‘liar’ by her social worker.

No action was taken when she reported that her foster carer’s son had sexually abused her, or when she was hospitalised with malnourishment.

read full account of Davinas experience

Aparna feels guilt that she didn’t report she was being abused, even though she was a small child

read full account of Aparnas experience

Aparna’s life has been devastated by sexual abuse she suffered as a child.

The abuser went on to hurt other children and she struggles to forgive herself for not stopping him, although she understands it is not her fault.

read full account of Aparnas experience

Safeguarding training made Raoul realise how he had been affected by sexual abuse as a child

read full account of Raouls experience

After being sexually abused in a young offenders’ institution, Raoul got into more trouble.

He has now turned his life around and coaches young people.

read full account of Raouls experience

Bella can remember that when she was growing up that she always ‘felt different’

read full account of Bellas experience

Bella’s abuser was known to her parents because of his connection with the church. He was also in charge of a youth group. She can remember being abused by him twice, once in his house and once in the back of a shop.

Although she had a good memory from when she was little, it was only during psychotherapy treatment that memories of abuse started to come back to her.

read full account of Bellas experience

Bridget says she feels stupid that abuse that lasted for 30 seconds had such an awful effect on her

read full account of Bridgets experience

When Bridget was 10 she was groomed by a member of her church.

He was so popular and charismatic that no one saw what he was doing.

read full account of Bridgets experience

After his father sexually abused a child, Asher was himself sexually abused by a member of his foster family

read full account of Ashers experience

Asher’s young life was blighted twice over by sexual abuse.

He now uses his experiences to mentor troubled young people and support victims and survivors. 

read full account of Ashers experience

Kit says if there had been more supervision when he went on a Scout trip, he might not have been abused

read full account of Kit s experience

Kit was bullied in the Cub Scouts, so he was pleased when an older boy befriended him.

But the teenager sexually abused him over several nights on a camping trip.

read full account of Kit s experience

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