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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.


The media centre provides useful documents for journalists interested in the Inquiry public hearings and investigation reports. Timetables, press releases, summaries and a range of images and logos are also available. 

Inquiry publishes report into Ealing Abbey and St Benedict’s School

24 October 2019

The Inquiry has today (24 October) published its report into the Ealing Abbey and St Benedict’s School public hearings.

Almost half of victims tell Inquiry they were under eight when sexual abuse began

22 October 2019

New research from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has found most victims and survivors who have come forward to the Truth Project were sexually abused by age 11 (79 percent), and almost half of victims (46 percent) were under eight when the abuse began. The Inquiry also heard that nearly half of all child sexual abuse (45 percent) is perpetrated by someone in the victim’s family. 

Inquiry publishes provisional decision in respect of Medomsley case study

17 October 2019

The Inquiry has today published a provisional decision in respect of the Medomsley case study, part of the Children in Custodial Institutions (CICI) investigation.  


In November 2015, the then Chair of the Inquiry indicated that Medomsley Youth Detention Centre would be included in the scope document for CICI investigation.  

Public hearing dates for 2020

26 September 2019

Inquiry announces dates for three public hearings next year

Inquiry publishes Accountability and Reparations report

19 September 2019

The Inquiry has today (September 19) published its report on the Accountability and Reparations investigation, which focuses on the aftermath of child sexual abuse and the legal process of claiming compensation.

Inquiry poll confirms 81% of child sexual abuse survivors feel stereotyped 

16 September 2019

New statistics from the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse have found over three quarters of victims and survivors believe they were stereotyped after speaking out about their abuse. 

Inquiry partners with Race Equality Foundation to carry out research into ethnic minority communities

3 September 2019

The Inquiry is working together with the Race Equality Foundation to carry out research into the views and experiences of child sexual abuse in ethnic minority communities.

The Race Equality Foundation will conduct focus groups with members of ethnic minorities, including Caribbean, Asian and African communities, as well as some one-to-one interviews.

Survivor and Inquiry ambassador Sabah Kaiser speaks to After, a new BBC Sounds podcast

27 August 2019

Inquiry ambassador, Sabah Kaiser spoke to After, a new two part podcast series for BBC Sounds. The podcast is produced by survivor Catriona Morton.

VSCP update

25 August 2019

Following recent press coverage around events from 2008, Peter Saunders has resigned from the Victims and Survivors’ Consultative Panel with immediate effect.

The Inquiry will not be making any further comment on this matter.

Inquiry publishes summary report of second mandatory reporting seminar

15 August 2019

The Inquiry has today (15 August) published a summary report of its second seminar on mandatory reporting, which took place on 29 and 30 April 2019.

The seminar was attended by representatives from government departments in England and Wales, charities, campaign groups, safeguarding professionals and victims and survivors of child sexual abuse.

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