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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.


The media centre provides useful documents for journalists interested in the Inquiry public hearings and investigation reports. Timetables, press releases, summaries and a range of images and logos are also available. 

Inquiry publishes report into Nottinghamshire Councils

31 July 2019

The Inquiry has published its report on the response to allegations of sexual abuse of children in the care of Nottinghamshire Councils

VSCP update

29 July 2019

Further information about a breach of confidentiality relating to the publication of the Interim Report in April 2018 was recently brought to the Inquiry’s attention.

Following an investigation arising from this new information, Daniel Wolstencroft has resigned as a member of the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel.  The Inquiry will not be making any further comment on this matter.

Inquiry statement on Carl Beech

26 July 2019

The Inquiry previously confirmed that it was not looking at allegations made by Carl Beech, known as ‘Nick’, that led to Operation Midland.  In light of the sentencing of Mr Beech today for perverting the course of justice and fraud in relation to his claims of child sexual abuse, the Inquiry makes the following further statement.

Mr Beech has neither applied for nor been designated as a core participant in any of the Inquiry’s investigations. The Inquiry has taken no witness evidence from him. 

Inquiry publishes report on Archdiocese of Birmingham case study

20 June 2019

The Inquiry has today (June 20) published its report on child sexual abuse within the Archdiocese of Birmingham, part of the Roman Catholic Church investigation.

Government implements key Inquiry recommendation by abolishing ‘same roof’ compensation rule

13 June 2019

The government has abolished the ‘same roof’ compensation rule, as recommended by the Inquiry in its Interim Report in April 2018.

The long-standing rule prevented victims and survivors of child sexual abuse from receiving compensation if the perpetrator was a family member who they were living with at the time of the incident.

Now victims and survivors of non-recent child sexual abuse who were previously denied compensation under the rule, or who were put off applying, will be able to reapply.

Deaf people invited to share experiences of child sexual abuse

4 June 2019

A British Sign Language version of this news story can be watched here.

The Truth Project is launching a new service to enable Deaf people who were sexually abused as children to share their experience.

Shame and guilt stop survivors reporting child sexual abuse in religious institutions

30 May 2019

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has published a research report on child sexual abuse in religious institutions, based on accounts shared by survivors at its Truth Project.

Inquiry publishes report into the Diocese of Chichester and Peter Ball

9 May 2019

The Inquiry has today (9 May) published its report, ‘Anglican Church Case Studies: the Diocese of Chichester and the response to allegations against Peter Ball’.

Inquiry announces new investigation into child protection in religious organisations and settings

2 May 2019

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has announced a new investigation into child protection in religious organisations and settings.

An update note in this investigation has been published.

The investigation will be thematic and will review the current child protection policies, practices and procedures in religious institutions in England and Wales.

Over 3,000 participants for Truth Project

25 April 2019

More than 3,000 people have now shared their experience of child sexual abuse with the Inquiry’s Truth Project.

The Truth Project provides a confidential and supportive setting for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to be heard.

There have been more than 15,000 expressions of interest since the Truth Project launch, with participants giving accounts in person, over the phone and in writing.

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