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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.


The media centre provides useful documents for journalists interested in the Inquiry public hearings and investigation reports. Timetables, press releases, summaries and a range of images and logos are also available. 

Inquiry publishes Truth Project statistics

28 September 2017

We are now publishing statistics on the Truth Project every quarter. You can find the first set of statistics here. We hope to add more data in future.

Seminar: Understanding current approaches to the prevention of child sexual abuse in healthcare settings - Day 2

27 September 2017 Healthcare professionals discussed how to prevent child sexual abuse in healthcare settings at day two of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse’s seminar today.

Seminar: Understanding current approaches to the prevention of child sexual abuse in healthcare settings

26 September 2017

Representatives from a range of healthcare organisations took part in discussions on child protection today, at a seminar held by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

The two-day seminar, will help the Inquiry understand the extent to which current practices protect children from being sexually abused and consider ways to ensure that children are better protected from sexual abuse in the future.

Understanding current approaches to the prevention of child sexual abuse in healthcare settings

18 September 2017

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is to hold a two day seminar on 26 and 27 September to examine the prevention of child sexual abuse in healthcare settings.

Review of previous reports and inquiries into child sexual abuse

29 August 2017

Last December, the Chair of the Inquiry, Professor Alexis Jay OBE produced a comprehensive work programme which stated that in August, we would set out how we will approach the work to review previous inquiries and reports into child sexual abuse.

The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference (ToR) require us to “consider all the information which is available from the various published and unpublished reviews, court cases, and investigations which have so far concluded.”

In line with these ToRs, this review will:

Welsh victims and survivors to join Inquiry panel

15 August 2017 The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse announces that May Baxter-Thornton and Emma Lewis will join the Victim and Survivor Consultative Panel.

Inquiry publishes updated management statement and financial report Q1 2017-18

11 August 2017

We have today published an updated management statement and our financial report for the first quarter of 2017 which details the Inquiry’s spending for salaries, legal costs, and safeguarding.

Mark Sutton QC publishes his review

3 July 2017

Mark Sutton QC has today (July 3) issued a public statement on his report into the Inquiry’s safeguarding and dignity at work procedures. You can find it here on the Old Square Chambers website.

Inquiry Chair Alexis Jay has issued this statement in response:

Inquiry Chair announces decision arising out of preliminary hearing into Roman Catholic Church

8 June 2017

Following the preliminary hearing this week, the Chair of the Inquiry has announced a decision in regard to the English Benedictine case study hearing in the Roman Catholic Church investigation.  Prof Alexis Jay’s decision is as follows:

Inquiry Chair visits York

25 May 2017

The Chair of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, Professor Alexis Jay OBE will meet with over 80 delegates from organisations including the police, NHS, local authorities and charities from across the north east and Yorkshire to raise awareness of the Truth Project in York today.

The Truth Project gives victims and survivors of child sexual abuse the chance to share their experiences and offer suggestions to the Inquiry on how to keep the next generation safe.

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