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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.


The media centre provides useful documents for journalists interested in the Inquiry public hearings and investigation reports. Timetables, press releases, summaries and a range of images and logos are also available. 

Inquiry publishes Rochdale report

12 April 2018

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse is today (12 April) publishing its report into institutions where children were placed by Rochdale Council, following three weeks of public hearings in October 2017.

Inquiry updates position on Telford

28 March 2018

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has today issued a statement in response to the request for reports and information from Telford and Wrekin Council.

Secretary to the Inquiry, John O’Brien said:

"We have reviewed the reports and other papers sent to us by Telford and Wrekin Council. They show that the Council is taking steps to address child sexual exploitation. In our investigation into child sexual exploitation by organised networks, we are currently looking at documents gathered from institutions within a number of different local authority areas.

Inquiry publishes research on child sexual abuse in children’s custodial institutions

27 March 2018

The Inquiry has today published a rapid evidence assessment on the available research on the sexual abuse of children in custodial institutions

Inquiry publishes Child Migration Programmes report

1 March 2018

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has today (1 March 2018) published its report into the Child Migration Programmes case study.

The report criticises Her Majesty’s Government (HMG) for the policy of child migration and recommends that all child migrants are financially compensated by HMG through a redress scheme. The report also recommends that organisations involved in implementing the migration programmes offer apologies to child migrants, where they have failed to do so.

Chair of the Inquiry, Professor Alexis Jay, said:

Inquiry Chair announces decisions arising out of the Westminster preliminary hearing

26 February 2018

Following the preliminary hearing on the Westminster investigation on 31 January, the Chair of the Inquiry has announced her decisions in regard to three renewal applications for core participant status of Daniel Janner QC, Laura Janner-Klausner and Marion Janner and WM-A4.  

A summary of Prof Alexis Jay’s decision is as follows:

Inquiry clarifies its position on core participants and provides an update on the 13 confirmed investigations

15 February 2018

A core participant is an individual or an institution that played, or may have played, a direct or significant role in an investigation.  

It is not necessary to be a core participant in order to provide evidence to the Inquiry.

Inquiry publishes public hearings timetable to March 2019

7 November 2017

The Inquiry has published a timetable of preliminary and public hearings  up until March 2019.  

They include three weeks of public hearings into allegation of child sexual abuse in the Anglican church in March 2018, two weeks of public hearings into the sexual abuse of Children in Custodial Institutions, in July 2018 and three weeks of hearings into the extent of any institutional failures to protect children in the care of Nottingham City and Nottinghamshire County Councils from sexual abuse and exploitation in October 2018.  

Inquiry letter to the Times

3 November 2017 Letter from the Chair of the Inquiry, Professor Alexis Jay OBE to the Times on 1 November

Inquiry publishes the report, ‘Victim and Survivor Voices from the Truth Project’

30 October 2017

The Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has today published the report, ‘Victim and Survivor Voices from the Truth Project’. The report considers some of the accounts of victims and survivors taking part in the Truth Project.

It provides the Inquiry with insight and information into the child sexual abuse experienced by those coming forward.

Inquiry updates the research governance structure

13 October 2017

In December 2016, the Inquiry announced that it would update its governance structure so that key areas of the Inquiry’s work will be overseen by a Panel member. As a result, the Inquiry’s Academic Advisory Board (AAB) has been dissolved and its work will be taken forward by the Research Steering Group, chaired by Professor Sir Malcolm Evans.

Former AAB members will continue to give expert academic and ethical advice to the Panel regarding the Inquiry's research as requested.

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