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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Maizie thinks that children in care are too often seen as ‘a problem’

read full account of Maizies experience

Maizie describes being abused and neglected during her chaotic childhood and adolescence. 

As an adult, she completed a degree and now applies her knowledge and experience working with young people in care.

read full account of Maizies experience

Wendy’s parents would not let her stop music lessons even when she said the teacher was abusing her

read full account of Wendys experience

Wendy was neglected by her parents, and sexually abused by her mother, and also by a teacher.

She says because ‘you hear such horrific reality’ from other people who have suffered abuse, she was not sure if what happened to her was significant.

read full account of Wendys experience

Riley thinks better communication between police forces could stop abusers ‘slipping through the net’

read full account of Rileys experience

Riley was sexually abused by his mother’s partner.

When the police investigated this man, they found he had previously abused children from another relationship.

read full account of Rileys experience

Nicholas describes how painful sexual abuse was, but ‘you didn’t say in those days’

read full account of Nicholass experience

Nicholas was beaten and sexually abused by a sadistic teacher at a religious school.

When he told another teacher about the physical beating he suffered, he was told he must have deserved it.

read full account of Nicholass experience

Laurell’s school operated with little oversight and abusers took full advantage of this

read full account of Laurells experience

Laurell grew up in an abusive home. When she was in her early teens she was sent to a small boarding school. It was privately owned by a couple, and was an approved school where some of the pupils were troubled children.

Laurell describes it as a closed institution, with physical and sexual abuse accepted as part of the punishment regime. 

read full account of Laurells experience

Zoya says ‘There is a massive link between loving yourself and recovery’

read full account of Zoyas experience

Zoya was sexually, physically and emotionally abused by her mother.

She feels she has had good mental health support that has helped her rebuild her life.

read full account of Zoyas experience

Cassandra had a difficult experience reporting abuse, and would like it to be better for others

read full account of Cassandras experience

When Cassandra was about 13 years old, a neighbour attempted to sexually abuse her. 

She told a younger relative of this man what had happened, who said he believed her, and then went on to sexually abuse her himself for several years.

read full account of Cassandras experience

Albert says ‘I’ve tried to act as normal as possible. That may have been a mistake’

read full account of Alberts experience

Albert’s parents, who were very religious, sent him to a religious junior and secondary school because they wanted him to have a stable education. 

He describes a terrible culture of violence. Some of the church staff and brothers inflicted physical punishment and abuse on children, including some particularly vulnerable young boys.

read full account of Alberts experience

Dany told other church members the curate was a sexual abuser, but they changed the subject

read full account of Danys experience

Hearing about the Truth Project brought back memories that Dany had tried not to think about for 50 years.

He is considering whether he would like to have therapy.

read full account of Danys experience

Lionel says ‘I had a wasted childhood … but I’ve overcome it’

read full account of Lionels experience

Lionel was adopted at birth, but this did not provide him with stability, safety or love. His adoptive mother was abusive and this made him vulnerable to abuse by others.

He is aware that his childhood has affected him, but is proud of all he has achieved since, and says he feels he may be lucky.

read full account of Lionels experience

Lysa says deaf or hard of hearing victims and survivors need support that is tailored to their needs

read full account of Lysas experience

Lysa is deaf and throughout her childhood she was mocked and emotionally and sexually abused by one of her brothers.

She came to the Truth Project because she wanted to be heard and believed. 

read full account of Lysas experience

Karyn, sexually abused by her stepfather and his sons, wants the lasting effects of abuse to be recognised

read full account of Karyns experience

When her mother’s boyfriend, Brian, moved into the family home, Karyn’s childhood was devastated by terror and physical and sexual violence.

She is still enduring the severe effects of this trauma on every aspect of her health and wellbeing.

read full account of Karyns experience

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