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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Binali was blamed by family members for being complicit in sexual abuse by a relative

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Binali was raped by her brother-in-law.

When she reported it, her mother was furious with her for bringing ‘shame’ on the family.

read full account of Binalis experience

Luisa was treated cruelly and sexually abused by staff at a school for deaf children

read full account of Luisas experience

Luisa was shown no affection by her family, and was abused at school.

She shares her account in British Sign Language.

read full account of Luisas experience

Martin was sexually abused by someone involved with – but not employed by – the church

read full account of Martins experience

Martin was abused as a teenager by someone in a position of trust at his family’s church. He recalls it happening on only one occasion, but it has had a significant effect on his life. 

His parents did not find it unusual that Martin was visiting the perpetrator’s house, where the abuse happened. He did not tell anyone about the abuse at the time because he did not know who to tell, nor did he understand what has happening to him.

read full account of Martins experience

Stuart says ‘Part of the grooming was he made me feel it was my choice’

read full account of Stuarts experience

When Stuart was 17, he was groomed and sexually abused by an older man.

For many years, he questioned whether he had been abused because he was not a young child at the time, and he still worries that people will judge him for what happened.

read full account of Stuarts experience

Kirsty was sexually abused in care and says care leavers need more support

read full account of Kirstys experience

Kirsty experienced violence and deprivation at home with her mother. She says that during her time in care, the kindness of one key worker provided her with some of the happiest memories she has of her childhood. However, she was sexually abused by two workers in children’s homes and this experience inflicted lasting pain and damage on her.

Most of her young life, along with that of her siblings, was spent in and out of a children’s home. Kirsty had a very close relationship with her housemother, who she says was like a mother to her. But an assistant housemother, Mrs Pottering, sexually abused Kirsty during her bath times.

read full account of Kirstys experience

Alwyn believes that the abuse he experienced will never go away

read full account of Alwyns experience

When Alwyn was not selected for his college football team, a lecturer took advantage and offered extra coaching, then sexually abused him.

Alwyn was 16 when he went to further education college. Because it was some distance from his home, he stayed in accommodation on the campus. 

read full account of Alwyns experience

Jonnie says ‘Because we were in care, we were “naughty kids” … we were not believed’

read full account of Jonnies experience

Jonnie endured sexual, physical and emotional abuse over a number of years he spent in the care system.

He says neither he nor any of the children would have thought there was any point trying to report what was happening.

read full account of Jonnies experience

Terri says ‘A lot of children like me were seen as problems, not children’

read full account of Terris experience

Terri suffered physical, psychological and sexual abuse during her teenage years when she was in the care system.

She feels angry about the many ways she was let down, and has clear ideas about how children and young people could be better protected.

read full account of Terris experience

Lily was stereotyped as a ‘sexual predator’ as a young child by adults who should have protected her

read full account of Lilys experience

When Lily was young she and her siblings were placed into care, but not all in the same place, much to her disappointment. For the first few years, she and some of her family were in a religious care institution where they did not experience any abuse.

But she and one of her siblings were moved to another place, which she describes as a ‘workhouse’ rather than a home. She adds it was ‘cold’, ‘religious’, there was ‘no warmth’ and living there was a matter of ‘survival of the fittest’.

read full account of Lilys experience

Justine says ‘After my dad died I was passed from one man to another’

read full account of Justines experience

Justine was seven years old when her father died. 

She lived in poverty, was neglected and several people took advantage of this to physically and sexually abuse her. 

read full account of Justines experience

Chris was sexually abused in a Christian children’s home

read full account of Chris s experience

Chris has a dual heritage. As a baby he was placed in a Christian children’s home where he says the perception of staff was that the children came from parents with poor morals and needed ‘saving’. In fact, the environment the home provided caused him enormous harm.

Chris’ mother’s parents were furious when she became pregnant and sent their daughter away to give birth. Chris’s father had returned to Africa and his mother felt that it was in Chris’s best interest to place him in care.

read full account of Chris s experience

Corey was sexually abused and raped in his home by a teenage girl

read full account of Coreys experience

Corey was sexually abused and raped in his home by a teenage girl. It began when he was a young boy who had no idea about sex – ‘just a baby’ he says.

The abuse caused him immense distress, confusion and revulsion and has had huge repercussions on his life.

read full account of Coreys experience

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