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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Teagan says ‘I didn’t understand what had happened to me until I was much older’

read full account of Teagans experience

Teagan was sexually abused by her brother and his friend, who were six years older than her. The teenage boys also abused some of her friends.

The abuse began when she was nine years old and continued through her childhood. It has caused lasting damage to her family relationships and her mental health.

read full account of Teagans experience

The man who sexually abused Erik ‘was so good at getting inside my head that I still believe it was my fault’

read full account of Eriks experience

The man who repeatedly raped Erik gave him money and manipulated him into believing he was responsible for the abuse.

Decades later, Erik is still affected by this and says ‘I keep asking, why did I not run, why did I allow it?’

read full account of Eriks experience

Graham said ‘The potential scale of abuse within sporting institutions remains unknown’

read full account of Grahams experience

Graham was a pupil at an independent school that provided high level coaching in a sport from Mr James. Graham describes him as a powerful individual both in the school and nationally in the sport. The school had a good reputation and a history of producing champions in this sport.

Graham demonstrated extensive skills in this sport and was coached by Mr James for several years. From the very beginning and for several years, he was subjected to regular sexual abuse by Mr James, who also organised out-of-school activities for pupils.

read full account of Grahams experience

Hudson says the man who sexually abused him had wealth, status and power, and no one held him to account

read full account of Hudsons experience

Hudson grew up in the 1960s and 70s, in a rural community where a minor aristocrat and landowner enjoyed considerable influence.

This man exploited his position to groom Hudson’s family and sexually abuse Hudson for nearly 10 years.

read full account of Hudsons experience

Nigel is haunted by the injustice of a conviction for buggery when he was sexually abused at age 14

read full account of Nigels experience

Nigel describes how he was the victim of child sexual abuse and of a gross miscarriage of justice.

For six decades, he has had to live with the practical consequences of this, and a severe sense of anger, distress and injustice.

read full account of Nigels experience

Silvia says she has been involved with institutions all her life and feels badly let down

read full account of Silvias experience

Silvia grew up as a vulnerable child and she feels this made her a target for a series of sexual abusers.

She has used her experiences to contribute to work to support other victims and survivors.

read full account of Silvias experience

Jeffery says that at the time he was being abused, he felt someone was at least being kind to him

read full account of Jefferys experience

Jeffery grew up in a troubled family home with an extremely violent father. He was in and out of care as a child and says he did receive positive support from some professionals.

But one social worker took advantage of his longing for kindness and sexually abused him.

read full account of Jefferys experience

Jason’s uncle exploited his need for affection, and sexually abused him for over a decade

read full account of Jasons experience

Jason describes a ‘neglectful, difficult and violent’ early childhood with his parents. 

He was removed from the family home into the care of his uncle, but his uncle sexually abused him throughout the rest of his childhood until he was in his late teens.

read full account of Jasons experience

Jenna envied her friends who were in care because they were better looked after than she was

read full account of Jennas experience

Jenna grew up in the 1950s and 60s. Her parents separated when she was a baby and her mother met a new partner, Nick.

This man sexually abused her and when she confided in a male teacher, he did the same.

read full account of Jennas experience

Aimee says ‘I thought “Who’s going to believe me over this priest, this wonderful man?”’

read full account of Aimees experience

A Catholic priest groomed Aimee and her family by offering to give her support with her education.

Looking back, she realises that he isolated her from other people, making it easier for him to sexually abuse her.

read full account of Aimees experience

Maeve worried that reporting the abuse by her stepfather would be a ‘burden’ on the family

read full account of Maeves experience

When Maeve was about three years old, her parents divorced. Her mother married the man she had been having an affair with and they had a child together. 

This man sexually abused Maeve from when she was a young child to her teenage years.

read full account of Maeves experience

Vivien believed the abuser who told her people would be ‘disgusted’ with her

read full account of Viviens experience

When she was about 11 years old, Vivien was sexually abused by a young male adult who was the older brother of one of her school friends.  

Vivien had gone to play at her friend’s house. During a game of hide and seek, she went to hide in a shed, and found the young male in there. He called her over and started stroking her hair and complimenting her.

read full account of Viviens experience

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