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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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The man who abused Siriol was convicted, but she wishes she had been better supported

read full account of Siriols experience

Siriol was sexually abused by her step grandfather.

He was convicted and sent to prison, but Siriol was badly affected by the court process because she was not given any support.

read full account of Siriols experience

Layla was being abused, but her priority was to protect her mother and sister

read full account of Laylas experience

Layla’s stepfather sexually abused her for about six years. 

He told her it was a ‘special type of love’, and warned her that he would hurt her mother and her sister if she told anyone.

read full account of Laylas experience

Monique says that police officers should be properly trained if they deal with child sexual abuse

read full account of Moniques experience

Monique was sexually abused by an uncle. 

The abuse was reported as soon as it happened, and again when she was an adult. She is upset that he was not prosecuted.

read full account of Moniques experience

Harv would like there to be more understanding that many homeless people have been abused

read full account of Harvs experience

Harv endured neglect and abuse by several adults during his childhood and adolescence.

He now works to support other people who have had similar life experiences.

read full account of Harvs experience

Aubrey says ‘If a child raises an alarm, listen ... because children know right from wrong’

read full account of Aubreys experience

Aubrey wanted to share with the Truth Project his experience of the devastating consequences of adults not listening to children. 

After he reported his concerns about a teacher, it took 30 years for the man to be brought to justice.

read full account of Aubreys experience

‘I used to believe it was all my fault’ Kadie says, ‘but the older I get I realise that the system failed me’

read full account of Kadies experience

Kadie’s parents were drug addicts and she was taken into care, where she was sexually abused.

She says it took her years to understand the abuse wasn’t something that she ‘deserved’. 

read full account of Kadies experience

Spencer says his parents ‘didn't want to make a fuss’ because he attended a prestigious school

read full account of Spencers experience

When Spencer was eight years old, he attended a respected church choir school as a boarder.

The culture of the school was one of fear and humiliation, with harsh punishments, and emotional and sexual abuse that pupils had to accept.

read full account of Spencers experience

Naomie says her experience of sexual abuse ‘was a case that didn’t have to happen, because I told people’

read full account of Naomies experience

From a very young age, Naomie had to support her mother, who had serious mental health issues.

This was obvious to her school, and she also reported sexual abuse to teachers, but no action was taken.

read full account of Naomies experience

Diana would love to be free of the impact of her abuse but feels it is like an ‘internal tattoo’

read full account of Dianas experience

Diana was fostered from a very early age. She was put in a long-term placement with a couple who also fostered on a short-term basis.

Ill-treatment and abuse at the hands of the foster parents have caused her a lifetime of physical and mental health problems.

read full account of Dianas experience

The priest who abused Giles was moved from ‘place to place’ by the church to protect the institution

read full account of Giless experience

Giles attended a religious boarding school. He was a very good singer and a member of the choir. Giles described himself as a typical ‘cute little choir boy’.

The man who abused him, Arthur, was not a member of the teaching staff but a visiting musician associated with the school.

read full account of Giless experience

Earl says ‘I’m a very lonely person and I hate being lonely’

read full account of Earls experience

Earl was brutally raped when he was in hospital as a child.

He has spent years working to overcome his distress and anger, but is still devastated by the experience. 

read full account of Earls experience

Kerry says there should be better support for children who have to be young carers

read full account of Kerrys experience

As a child, Kerry took on caring responsibilities for her father.

The pressure caused her to run away and she was taken into care where she was raped by a member of staff.

read full account of Kerrys experience

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