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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Dominic says ‘I am here for my brother… I want my brother to not be known as a liar’

read full account of Dominics experience

Dominic grew up in the 1960s and 70s. He was one of five children in what he describes as ‘a very, very poor family’.

His family was befriended by a man, Gil, who was a senior leader in a local Red Cross youth group. Dominic says ‘He wheedled himself into our family life like a friend’. 

read full account of Dominics experience

Religious elders went to court to support the man who sexually abused Violet

read full account of Violets experience

Violet grew up in a large family. Her father was violent and abusive to her mother and after the couple separated, her mother met someone from a closed religious order who seemed kind and gentle.

But a member of the congregation sexually abused Violet, and she did not want to spoil her mother’s happiness by speaking out.

read full account of Violets experience

Sally-Ann says ‘I think the social workers just wanted to put a tick in the box’

read full account of Sally-Anns experience

Sally-Ann was sexually abused for several years by her older brother.

She was forced to leave home as a teenager and found it very difficult to access support.

read full account of Sally-Anns experience

Julienne says it means so much to her that her mother always believed her disclosure

read full account of Juliennes experience

The impact on Julienne of being sexually abused by her father was made even worse by comments made in court by his defence barrister and the judge.

He was acquitted but is now facing more charges of child sexual abuse. 

read full account of Juliennes experience

Heidi suffered years of abuse in her home by her mother, father and brother

read full account of Heidis experience

Heidi grew up in a large family. For as far back as she can remember she was physically and mentally abused by her mother. 

After her mother violently attacked her father, he began sexually abusing Heidi.

read full account of Heidis experience

Hyacinth says that being blind is ‘part of my life’, but she thinks that it heightened her vulnerability

read full account of Hyacinths experience

Hyacinth was sexually abused by a teenage girl who used to babysit her.

She believes that being sight-impaired and not having the usual ‘visual cues’ was one of the reasons she was targeted for abuse.

read full account of Hyacinths experience

After being sexually abused in care, Katie says care records need to be accurate and transparent

read full account of Katies experience

Katie was taken into care at a young age but is not sure exactly why. She says she felt well‑loved by her family but remembers her mother forgetting to pick her up from school a couple of times, having been drinking.

Katie describes the next six years of her life in children’s homes as ‘hell on earth’. She was subjected to sexual abuse, violent assault, emotional abuse and neglect. On one occasion she believes she nearly died – she had a serious illness, but care staff did not believe she was ill and would not seek medical help.

read full account of Katies experience

Thora remembers how when she was abused as a child it ‘made me feel someone wanted me’

read full account of Thoras experience

Thora’s parents both had mental health problems and they emotionally and physically abused her. 

Her longing for affection made her vulnerable to a succession of sexual abusers.

read full account of Thoras experience

Juliette says ‘With my mental health history, no one will believe me’

read full account of Juliettes experience

Juliette was traumatised at a young age by sexual abuse.

This caused her mental health problems, which she feels have made people doubt her account of further abuse she suffered.

read full account of Juliettes experience

Sydney says ‘You can’t change what’s happened to children but you can change how you care for them’

read full account of Sydneys experience

Sydney was told she should have said ‘no’ when her stepfather sexually abused her.

She says having someone she felt was on her side would have made so much difference to her.

read full account of Sydneys experience

Josie wants social services to apologise for ignoring her reports that she was being abused in care

read full account of Josies experience

Josie was placed in foster care after she disclosed that she was being sexually abused by two family members. 

She then suffered more abuse by the son of her foster parents. Social services refused to move her, even though she repeatedly told them what was happening.

read full account of Josies experience

Kirk says the Truth Project is his ‘one chance to speak out ... it has taken me years to get this far’

read full account of Kirks experience

Kirk gives a powerful and distressing account of the sexual abuse he endured as a child, and the damage it has caused him.

The physical, mental and emotional repercussions have affected every aspect of his life and decades later, he lives with immense pain but is taking action to manage this.

read full account of Kirks experience

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