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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Home was not a safe haven for Lynne, but a place where she was regularly abused by her own father

read full account of Lynnes experience

Lynne grew up in a military family, and regular house moves added to her sense of insecurity. She is now a campaigner for survivors of child sexual abuse.

Her father began to sexually abuse Lynne, the oldest of three children, before she was school age. This continued until she was in her mid-teens. She says her mother was aware of the abuse but did nothing to stop it. ‘She was a very weak woman’, says Lynne, ‘a victim too, in a way’. 

read full account of Lynnes experience

Being sexually abused by people with power and authority made Wyn feel inadequate and angry

read full account of Wyns experience

Wyn grew up in the 1950s. He was sexually abused by a dentist when he was nine years old, and by a naval officer when he was a teenager.

As a child Wyn had tooth decay and he underwent a course of treatment by his local dentist. His mother took him to the surgery but he went into the treatment room alone. 

read full account of Wyns experience

Being sexually abused by a teacher in school had a damaging effect on Verity’s education

read full account of Veritys experience

Verity was sexually abused by a teacher who was seen as a ‘pillar of the community’.

She is concerned about the power that people in his position can hold.

read full account of Veritys experience

Sinead says ‘If I had been asked “Is anyone hurting you?”, I would have told’

read full account of Sineads experience

Sinead has disturbing memories that go back to a very young age. She remembers her father coming to the family home and beating her mother. 

Shortly after that, her family moved in with the man who became her stepfather; they shared the family home with him and his other children.

read full account of Sineads experience

Diane was sexually abused by a teacher and left feeling anxious and suicidal

read full account of Dianes experience

A teacher at Diane’s school exploited his position of power and authority to sexually abuse her. From then until now, the emotions and effects this caused for her have included feeling flattered, confused, depressed, anxious and suicidal.

Diane relates that when she started senior school, she became friendly with one of the teachers, Mr Jones.

read full account of Dianes experience

Deidra’s mother asked her if she had ‘encouraged’ her stepfather to sexually abuse her

read full account of Deidras experience

Deidra describes growing up with her younger sibling in an unstable family where domestic violence was a frequent occurrence. 

Her mother’s new husband sexually and emotionally abused Deidra. He was sent to prison and is now an old man, but she worries constantly that he may be free.

read full account of Deidras experience

Madeleine was told at a young age by senior members of the church that ‘some women deserve’ sexual abuse

read full account of Madeleines experience

Madeleine was sexually abused by two men in the Jehovah’s Witness faith.

She is very concerned about the control that men exercise over women in this religion.

read full account of Madeleines experience

Giulia endured terrible abuse from her father for 13 years yet says she was a ‘horrible’ child

read full account of Giulias experience

Giulia grew up in a household that was dominated and intimidated by a violent, controlling and alcoholic father. 

He subjected her to extreme abuse throughout her childhood and adolescence. When she was in her 20s she found the courage to report him and as a result, he was sent to prison.

read full account of Giulias experience

Valerie says ‘I realise now that I was a traumatised child but nobody asked me what was wrong’

read full account of Valeries experience

Valerie’s parents had a troubled relationship, and her father sexually abused her.

She feels that signs she had been abused could have been picked up by social services and teachers.

read full account of Valeries experience

Helen says ‘I’m beating the drum for kids who haven't had a voice’

read full account of Helens experience

Helen feels that no one in authority listened to her when she was being abused by her mother and members of staff in the care system.

She says ‘Children are always in the wrong and adults are always in the right … if you’re a child in these institutions you’re not listened to’. 

read full account of Helens experience

Tony still lives with the vivid memories of the sexual abuse he suffered by a priest

read full account of Tonys experience

When Tony’s mother left the family home, he was placed in a religious children’s home where he found himself at the mercy of the manager and her relative, a priest who sexually abused him.

Tony is not aware that any checks were made on his welfare by anyone in authority and he felt unable to tell his father, who admired the priest.

read full account of Tonys experience

Julius says talking about the abuse he suffered as a child has helped him get to a ‘good place’

read full account of Juliuss experience

As an adult, Julius understood that he was very troubled. 

When he was in his late 20s he engaged in counselling and was able to understand how being sexually abused as a child has affected him.

read full account of Juliuss experience

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