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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Cristina told adults she was being abused - ‘I wanted them to sort it out but it backfired’

read full account of Cristinas experience

Cristina tried to tell two different teachers that she was being sexually abused by her father. 

And one of her relatives recently apologised to her for knowing that she was being abused, but not acting.

read full account of Cristinas experience

Grace felt she did what she had to do to be loved

read full account of Graces experience

Throughout Grace’s childhood her dad was in poor health and her mum was vulnerable. Despite that, she describes her younger self as a typical teenager.

She attended an all-girls school. When she was a young teenager, a man called Kyle drove past her school in his car and offered to take Grace for a drink.

read full account of Graces experience

Cole says ‘If just one person had listened to me ...’

read full account of Coles experience

As a child, Cole was subjected to appalling physical cruelty by his father. 

After his mother left home, Cole’s new stepmother sexually abused him, but no one would believe this was happening.

read full account of Coles experience

Despite experiencing brutal sexual abuse in care, Alan now has a successful career and loving family

read full account of Alans experience

Alan’s earliest memories are of living in fear at a care home. He endured brutal sexual abuse, cruel punishments, limited food, hard physical work and no kindness, love or affection.

Remarkably, in his adult life he went on to establish a successful career. He wants to relate his experiences to try and help children in the future.

read full account of Alans experience

Tad says he would never send his children to boarding school

read full account of Tads experience

Tad was brought up in a ‘middle-class culture of secrecy and repression’.

He believes this made it easier for adults to abuse children at school, and more difficult for children to talk about what was happening. 

read full account of Tads experience

Adelyn was publicly shamed by Jehovah’s Witness elders because an adult sexually abused her

read full account of Adelyns experience

Adelyn was brought up in the Jehovah’s Witness church. 

She was sexually abused by two men in the church, but the elders pronounced that she was the ‘sinner’.

read full account of Adelyns experience

Lainey says the GP who sexually abused her during an examination treated her like ‘a piece of meat’

read full account of Laineys experience

When a doctor carried out a gynaecological examination on Lainey, she felt something was not right about the way he did it.

As a teenager, she did not have the confidence to challenge him, but later understood that her instincts were correct.

read full account of Laineys experience

Roberta feels empowered by saying ‘It’s not a dirty secret on my part. I did nothing wrong’

read full account of Robertas experience

Roberta believed that the man who had sexually abused her for seven years was her biological father. 

When she discovered this was not the case, she disclosed what he had done.

read full account of Robertas experience

Brandon’s report of child sexual abuse was not investigated, and he wants his account recorded

read full account of Brandons experience

Brandon was made vulnerable by his father leaving home and his mother being distracted with her own problems.

He was lured into a ring of child sexual abusers that he thinks included some high-profile figures.

read full account of Brandons experience

Emilia felt compelled to report the abuse she suffered after she began working with children

read full account of Emilias experience

As a working adult, Emilia completed training in child protection.

This made her realise that she had experienced sexual abuse during her childhood. 

read full account of Emilias experience

The man who abused Sami-Jo is out of prison, and she is scared every day that she might see him

read full account of Sami-Jos experience

For about a year, when Sami-Jo was in her mid-teens, she was sexually abused by her mother’s fiance.

She found some aspects of the investigation and court processes extremely harrowing and has suggestions to improve these processes for the benefit of victims and survivors.

read full account of Sami-Jos experience

Eshaal’s family knew she had been raped, but insisted she was still a virgin and arranged for her to marry

read full account of Eshaals experience

Eshaal had a very difficult childhood and was preyed on by abusers, some of them family members.

She grew up in a Muslim family and she was blamed and shamed for being a victim. 

read full account of Eshaals experience

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