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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Stephanie applies her experiences of sexual abuse to deliver prevention education in schools

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Stephanie grew up in a Catholic family. She was sexually abused by a relative for many years, starting when she was a small child. 

She was subjected to further sexual abuse by three more perpetrators, including a priest. She believes that her early experiences made her confused and vulnerable to other abusers.

read full account of Stephanies experience

Clyde kept the abuse he suffered to himself for many years, for fear of being labelled a paedophile

read full account of Clydes experience

Clyde grew up in the 1950s and 60s. He was neglected and physically abused by his family, and subjected to brutal regimes in the care system.

This made him vulnerable during his childhood and teenage years to serial sexual abuse and exploitation.

read full account of Clydes experience

Lyra’s school regarded the abusive situation she was in as a typical ‘boy/girl relationship’

read full account of Lyras experience

Lyra was subjected to physical and emotional abuse, and rape, while she was a teenager at school. The school failed to act to protect Lyra from the sexual abuse.

The abuser was an older pupil and she feels that this was the reason the school did not take the situation seriously.

read full account of Lyras experience

Scarlett tried to talk to a priest about her abuse but he told her ‘don’t make a fuss’

read full account of Scarletts experience

Scarlett was sexually abused as a child and teenager. 

She became pregnant twice before she was 16 but none of the professionals who knew this took effective action.

read full account of Scarletts experience

Lester says abuse should not be forgotten, even if it is non-recent

read full account of Lesters experience

At a school for ‘delinquent’ boys, Lester was physically and sexually abused by Catholic Brothers.

When he reported the abuse, he did not feel he was taken seriously because it had happened decades ago.

read full account of Lesters experience

After he was convicted of sexually abusing her, Erin’s grandfather was welcomed back into the family

read full account of Erins experience

Erin was sexully abused by her paternal grandfather over a period of about eight years, in his home and her own.

The sexual abuse began when Erin was a small child. It usually occurred when her grandfather was babysitting or when she was staying at her grandparents’ home.

read full account of Erins experience

Alexandra was sexually abused by two of her parents’ colleagues in the church

read full account of Alexandras experience

Alexandra spent more time with adults than children because of her parents’ work in the church.

She was sexually abused by two of their co-workers and now works to increase awareness of abuse in the church.

read full account of Alexandras experience

Angela was abused by two men in her family but felt it was her role to protect her mother and her siblings

read full account of Angelas experience

Angela was sexually and physically abused by her father until she was six years old, when her mother left him.

But within a few years, Angela’s mother found a new partner who treated her daughter in the same terrible way. 

read full account of Angelas experience

Even after one of his adopted children was taken into care, Bessie’s uncle fostered another

read full account of Bessies experience

Bessie was sexually abused by a relative who was employed by a local authority and was an active church member.

He was allowed to take her in and foster other children, with apparently little scrutiny from any agencies. 

read full account of Bessies experience

Suzy highlights services that let her down, and others that gave her excellent support

read full account of Suzys experience

Suzy was abused by her stepfather who was a convicted sex offender.

Social services had advised her mother how to protect her children, but did not maintain contact with the family.

read full account of Suzys experience

Connie wasn’t believed when she reported sexual abuse, so she didn’t speak out when it happened again

read full account of Connies experience

When a senior teacher offered to give Connie extra lessons, it made her feel special.   

But this man sexually abused her and after she reported this to the school, she was expelled. 

read full account of Connies experience

Charlotte sought help from an authority figure who exploited her vulnerability, becoming her abuser

read full account of Charlottes experience

Charlotte grew up in a strict, religious family. From a young age she was sexually abused by her father and other abusers. When she found the courage to report the abuse during confession to a priest, Father Callum, she hoped he would help her.

Instead, Father Callum approached her father and they began sexually abusing her together. Charlotte recalls that the abuse became more brutal after Father Callum became involved.

read full account of Charlottes experience

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