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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Derek says that if people focus on compensation, they will not address solutions and cures

read full account of Dereks experience

Derek describes how being sexually abused by a teacher at boarding school made him feel embarrassed and guilty.

The teacher was very friendly and would invite Derek to his room, where he drew him into a sexual relationship. Derek says that at the time he felt there was no cruelty involved. Instead he felt bad for ‘encouraging favourable treatment’ and for doing something that he knew was wrong.

read full account of Dereks experience

Jennie was sexually abused in a boarding school and says they should be banned

read full account of Jennies experience

With her parents overseas, Jennie was left in a boarding school during the 1980s, with no respite from a regime of harsh punishments and a predatory headteacher.

The severe sexual abuse Jennie suffered has left her with many difficult issues she struggles to resolve, and a conviction that boarding schools should be banned.

read full account of Jennies experience

‘You didn’t have a chance to be a kid’ Sophia says, describing her abusive and traumatic childhood

read full account of Sophias experience

When Sophia was seven years old, her mother took her and her siblings to live with a new partner. 

Sophia’s stepfather was a Traveller and at first, the novelty of living in a caravan in the countryside was exciting. But, she says, life soon ‘went to hell’ for the family.

read full account of Sophias experience

Mercy was seen as a ‘problem child’ and no one believed she was being sexually abused

read full account of Mercys experience

Mercy grew up neglected in a violent home. 

Social workers and teachers did not listen or believe her when she tried to tell them about the abuse.

read full account of Mercys experience

Flora was a young child when she was sexually abused; she feels guilty that she didn’t report it at the time

read full account of Floras experience

The man who sexually abused Flora terrified her by threatening that her family would be hurt if she told anyone.

She was only nine years old when he abused her, but she worries that her silence may have meant he abused other children.

read full account of Floras experience

Several professionals did not pursue indications that Ellie-Mae might be suffering abuse

read full account of Ellie-Maes experience

Ellie-Mae’s stepfather was known to the police as a domestic abuser. Ellie-Mae’s sibling was given their own accommodation because of the stepfather’s abuse.

However, no one seemed to question whether it was safe for Ellie-Mae to remain in the family home. 

read full account of Ellie-Maes experience

Damien doesn’t believe that children can be guaranteed to be kept safe from sexual abuse at boarding schools

read full account of Damiens experience

Damien’s experiences of sexual abuse at a boarding school have convinced him that no amount of supervision and regulation would be enough to protect pupils.

‘Children should go home every night’ he says.

read full account of Damiens experience

Joseph’s pain is made worse by feeling he could have prevented other children being abused in the Scouts

read full account of Josephs experience

Joseph tells of the continuing anguish he feels as a result of being abused by his scoutmaster, Seth. The abuse occurred on a weekly basis when he was in the Scouts and he now knows that Seth was abusing other children, although he did not know this at the time.

Another person who was abused by Seth made a complaint about him. When Joseph saw this information in the press, he came forward, as did other victims and survivors.

read full account of Josephs experience

Josiah wonders whether his experience of sexual abuse was ‘only the tip of the iceberg’

read full account of Josiahs experience

Josiah says that the sexual abuse he was subjected to by a leader at an activity club was not ‘life-damaging’, as abuse can be for some people.

However, he wonders whether any of the other boys who went to the club were badly affected by a similar experience.

read full account of Josiahs experience

Margot knew the abuse by a teacher was wrong, but didn’t want to lose his support while she was grieving

read full account of Margots experience

Margot was groomed and sexually abused by a teacher at her secondary school. 

The abuse began when she was in her early teens and had recently suffered a major bereavement.

read full account of Margots experience

A trusted family member raped Megan when she was seven years old

read full account of Megans experience

Megan describes her childhood as ‘rich’, although the family was financially poor. Both her parents worked long shifts and they arranged for her uncle, Daniel, to care for her and her sister while they were working.

This arrangement resulted in a serious sexual attack on Megan that has had devastating consequences on her life.

read full account of Megans experience

Feeling unloved by her parents made Anja vulnerable to sexual abuse

read full account of Anjas experience

Anja describes growing up in a middle-class family that appeared respectable but was very dysfunctional. 

She says life at home was ‘awful’. She does not remember ever being told she was loved and that left her with a longing for affection. 

read full account of Anjas experience

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