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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Several men took advantage of their positions of trust with young people to sexually abuse Margaux

read full account of Margauxs experience

Margaux describes a difficult childhood growing up in the 1970s and 80s. 

She thinks that lack of love and attention at home made her vulnerable to sexual abuse. Her parents never showed each other or their children any affection.

read full account of Margauxs experience

Donovan says abuse can happen to anyone. ‘I had a good childhood and it happened to me’

read full account of Donovans experience

Donovan grew up in the 1970s and says he had a happy family life.

He was abused by a sports coach in the Cub Scouts. Years later, he saw media reports about similar abuse and was able to speak about it.

read full account of Donovans experience

Cheston says ‘I had no one to talk to … I just wish Childline had been available at the time’

read full account of Chestons experience

Cheston was emotionally blackmailed, manipulated and sexually abused by a teacher at his boarding school.

He was in such distress he tried to kill himself in front of the teacher, but this did not stop the abuse.

read full account of Chestons experience

Aegeus was sexually abused when he was 12 years old. He believes it was a cause of his offending behaviour

read full account of Aegeuss experience

He has thought carefully about the effects of child sexual abuse on society and has several suggestions that might help address some of the issues.

Aegeus described being at a school swimming session when he was sexually assaulted in the changing room by a member of the leisure centre staff. The abuser attempted to rape him, but at the time, he didn’t understand what was happening.

read full account of Aegeuss experience

A teacher said she knew Emmie was ‘having sex’ at the age of 15, but commented she seemed ‘happy’

read full account of Emmies experience

Neglected and uncared for by her mother, Emmie was vulnerable to sexual abuse by several men.

When one of the men who raped her left, she felt she had been abandoned again.

read full account of Emmies experience

Maud says ‘I had to suffer for another two years’ because an abuse suspect was allowed access to her

read full account of Mauds experience

Maud’s mother’s boyfriend was arrested for sexually abusing a young girl, but was permitted to stay living in Maud’s home.

He continued sexually abusing Maud until the case came to trial.

read full account of Mauds experience

Vince was scared he would get into trouble if he told anyone he was being sexually abused

read full account of Vinces experience

Vince was sexually abused by an army veteran.

He lived in fear of his father and was bullied at school. His fear of punishment made him afraid to tell anyone about the abuse.

read full account of Vinces experience

Charlene says that when she heard about the Truth Project ‘I knew it was about me too’

read full account of Charlenes experience

Charlene grew up with her mum and grandma. She did not have any contact with her dad, and when she went to play at a friend’s house, she liked the fact that her friend’s father gave her attention.

In later years, she began to understand that he was a sexual abuser.

read full account of Charlenes experience

Eboney thinks her behaviour should have prompted an adult to ask her what was wrong

read full account of Eboneys experience

Eboney was sexually abused by another young child.

This has been dismissed by some family members as ‘kids messing around’, but the abuse has had a lasting impact on many aspects of her life.

read full account of Eboneys experience

Howard says ‘It horrifies me … he was a person of trust in the perfect job to abuse’

read full account of Howards experience

Howard was sexually abused as a young teenager by a male nurse in a hospital treatment room.

He says he has had a happy life, but decades later, he still feels angry that a health professional got away with sexually abusing an injured child.

read full account of Howards experience

Arlo feels that the sexual abuse he endured was not taken seriously because the perpetrator was female

read full account of Arlos experience

During his childhood, Arlo was intermittently in care because he was neglected and emotionally and physically abused by his mother. 

He was groomed and sexually abused by a female staff member at a children’s home, but feels that because of the circumstances, the case was not taken seriously.

read full account of Arlos experience

Dewi says ‘It’s time I got rid of this burden’

read full account of Dewis experience

It is more than 50 years since Dewi was sexually abused by a priest.

The sight of Catholic churches and clergy still makes him feel angry.

read full account of Dewis experience

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