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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Justin thinks that religion is a factor in sexual abuse

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Justin grew up in a large Christian family. His parents had to work long hours to support the family, and he recalls that his father did not seem to be around very much when he was younger.

He and his brothers attended a Catholic school. When Justin was eight years old, a sports teacher began to abuse him. He is now aware that this teacher also abused his two brothers but did not know this at the time.

read full account of Justins experience

Staff in the children’s home never asked why Zora was going out at night with adult males

read full account of Zoras experience

Zora was taken into care because her stepfather was sexually abusing her. 

But the children’s home she was sent to did not protect her from abuse by other men.

read full account of Zoras experience

Gerard says ‘You only get one chance to be a kid. If that’s ruined, it ruins your life’

read full account of Gerards experience

Gerard was placed in care when he was about 11 years old. His mother was a single parent and struggled to cope with caring for her children and Gerard said he had been a bit “naughty”. 

Decades later, he is still haunted by the sustained emotional and sexual abuse he suffered in a children’s home. He is highly aware of the effect his past has on him, and says that talking about it to the Truth Project has given him some relief.

read full account of Gerards experience

Seeing younger members of her family growing up reminds Renee of the sexual abuse she suffered

read full account of Renees experience

Renee was subjected to sexual abuse on several occasions when she was a child.

Fifty years later, the memories of these experiences are still vivid and continue to affect her.

read full account of Renees experience

John describes how sexual abuse ‘tainted’ something that was precious to him

read full account of Johns experience

John was about 11 years old when his parents separated. 

He joined a local Scouts group, and found solace in friendships and activities. But three adult leaders exploited his need for care and attention, and sexually abused him.

read full account of Johns experience

Malika says ‘I never ate properly, I never had a childhood … no one ever read me a bedtime story

read full account of Malikas experience

Malika’s stepfather sexually abused her, and he and her mother were sent to prison for violently assaulting her.

Over the following seven years, she was sent to 13 different care placements. She suffered further abuse in many of them. 

read full account of Malikas experience

Anwulika spoke to the Truth Project about being abused ‘to find some way to put it behind me’

read full account of Anwulikas experience

Anwulika was sexually abused by her father and physically abused by him.

She says the best part of her life was when he was out at work.

read full account of Anwulikas experience

Next to sexual abuse, Jim says ‘being in court was the worst thing I have ever been through’

read full account of Jims experience

Such is the lasting damage inflicted on Jim by a rapist and other abusers that, he says: ‘I have the choice to live with what goes on in my head, or to kill myself.’

Jim wants the Inquiry to push for more and better training of professionals involved with child sex abuse.

read full account of Jims experience

Marcus feels the Scouts turned a blind eye to his sexual abuse in the 1960s and 70s

read full account of Marcuss experience

Marcus was sexually abused during the 1960s and 70s by men from his local Scout Association and the church.

His quest for acknowledgment, an apology and recompense has been impeded by the length of time it took him to report the sexual abuse. He points out: ‘It is very difficult to actually complain about something you didn’t really recognise was going on.’

read full account of Marcuss experience

Leonora says ‘There was so long when people didn’t believe me or take it seriously’

read full account of Leonoras experience

As a vulnerable teenager, Leonora was groomed over a number of years by a youth leader, who began sexually abusing her when she was 18.

She feels that because of her age, many people in authority did not see her experience as child sexual abuse, even though she was 13 when the abuser started grooming her.

read full account of Leonoras experience

Aryana says she is able ‘to feel free enough to live my own life now’

read full account of Aryanas experience

For Aryana, taking part in the Truth Project marks a big step in her healing process. 

She was sexually abused by members of her family, and has had extensive therapy to come to terms with her experiences.

read full account of Aryanas experience

Leese says ‘compliant’ children may be vulnerable to abuse because they often have low self-confidence

read full account of Leeses experience

Leese was sexually abused by her ‘controlling’ father. She says it began with what seemed like ‘acceptable affection’. 

She told a teacher about the abuse, but no action was taken.

read full account of Leeses experience

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