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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Malcolm was asked to leave school when his parents complained about a member of staff who abused him

read full account of Malcolms experience

Malcolm was sent to a Church of England school, after his father took advice from a local vicar. 

He was sexually abused by a clergyman at the school, and the vicar who had recommended the school later admitted that he had been abused by the same man.

read full account of Malcolms experience

Tracey was abused by several people, but feels that she is the only one who has been punished

read full account of Traceys experience

For as far back as she can remember, Tracey was physically abused by her mother and stepfather. She remembers sexual abuse by her stepfather from when she was a young child, through to her early teenage years.

When she disclosed the sexual abuse inadvertently to a teacher, the police and social services were called in. 

read full account of Traceys experience

Lucas says ‘Once I started to be open about the abuse I found it much easier to deal with’

read full account of Lucass experience

Lucas was sexually abused at boarding school while his parents worked abroad.

He says ‘Kids are very vulnerable, especially when their parents are halfway across the world’.

read full account of Lucass experience

Broden says the abuse he endured during the 1960s and 70s ‘still feels like it was yesterday’

read full account of Brodens experience

From his care records that he obtained as an adult, Broden knows that he was found in a cot at the age of three years, suffering from terrible neglect. 

He was in the care system on and off until he was 18, and during this time he was sexually, physically and emotionally abused. 

read full account of Brodens experience

Tasha’s chess club was ‘a really easy environment for abusers to get access to children’

read full account of Tasha s experience

Tasha experienced sexual abuse at the hands of her father from ‘as early as I can remember’.

When she was eight years old her father took her to a chess club, but this outwardly respectable organisation was a cover for more sexual abusers.

read full account of Tasha s experience

Pauly feels the court process he went through met the needs of the perpetrator rather than his victims

read full account of Paulys experience

Pauly was sexually abused as a teenager by the head of a children’s home.

He describes his difficult experiences of trying to get justice at the time, and again nearly 40 years later.

read full account of Paulys experience

Dawn calls for restorative justice and for sexual abusers to acknowledge their guilt

read full account of Dawns experience

Many years of regular sexual abuse, that began when she was nine years old, have left Dawn with a long-term condition that continues to affect her life.

An attempt to get justice against the perpetrator was not successful and Dawn has an intense wish for him to acknowledge the impact of his actions.

read full account of Dawns experience

Carolyn’s parents were concerned she would be ‘shamed’ as a victim

read full account of Carolyns experience

Carolyn was sexually abused by a ‘family man’ when she was on holiday with her parents in the 1960s.

She feels that attitudes to sexual abuse and victims and survivors have changed in the years since she was abused. She wishes that more action had been taken to stop this man possibly abusing others.  

read full account of Carolyns experience

Tamsyn’s brother sexually abused her but the police dismissed it as ‘experimenting’

read full account of Tamsyns experience

Tamsyn grew up with three brothers. Her parents were neglectful and had a volatile relationship. 

She said that sexual behaviour was ‘normalised’ within the family from as far back as she can remember, and she was abused by two of her brothers, and one of their friends.

read full account of Tamsyns experience

Paige’s family said she was ‘disloyal’ for reporting sexual abuse by a relative

read full account of Paiges experience

Paige describes her family as ‘troubled’.

She was sexually abused by an uncle and a cousin, but at the time she did not understand that this was not a ‘normal’ way to show love for family members.

read full account of Paiges experience

Neglected and abused, Oli was desperate for someone to help him but he says ‘no one noticed me’

read full account of Olis experience

Oli had a chaotic childhood. He was passed between his parents and different care placements, and frequently abused.

He tried to get attention through his behaviour, but nobody helped him. 

read full account of Olis experience

Maya feels children abused by family members fear they will damage the family if they speak out

read full account of Mayas experience

Maya describes a difficult family life, with a violent father and a sexually abusive stepfather.

This left her vulnerable to abuse by others. Her awareness of sexual abuse makes her fearful for the safety of her children.

read full account of Mayas experience

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