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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Russell was sexually abused by his family GP, but the police did not investigate

read full account of Russells experience

Russell did not talk about his abuse for many years, until it came out in a counselling session. Since then he has not been able to forget about it.

He says that, looking back, he realises he was abused by his family doctor at his very first appointment, even though his mother was in the room.

read full account of Russells experience

As a young teenager, Tabitha found it traumatic to be interviewed by the police

read full account of Tabithas experience

Tabitha was sexually abused by her stepfather.

She feels that reporting it caused her as much distress as the abuse itself.

read full account of Tabithas experience

Diya says ‘It’s taken me years to understand I didn’t do anything wrong’

read full account of Diyas experience

From the age of nine, Diya was sexually abused by her stepfather.

She says the culture in her community means that victims of sexual abuse are blamed, and she has fought hard to overcome the effect this had on her.

read full account of Diyas experience

Staff in the children’s home Eve was sent to ignored and even encouraged sexual abuse

read full account of Eves experience

Eve was six years old when she and her brother were placed in a children’s home. 

For several years she was sexually abused by older children in the home. Instead of protecting her, the staff looked the other way, and at times were complicit in the abuse.

read full account of Eves experience

Macy was taken to a GP with genital injuries, but sexual abuse was not picked up

read full account of Macys experience

Macy was sexually abused by a relative when she was a very young child, and later, by two girls at school.

She was taken to a doctor with bleeding and urine infections, but the abuse was not picked up.

read full account of Macys experience

Jules says ‘Why would I turn my whole world upside down and go through all that if I was lying?’

read full account of Juless experience

Jules was groomed and sexually abused by a female friend of her family who was a respected member of the local community. 

The abuser was charged but found not guilty and Jules feels that court processes could be improved in many ways.

read full account of Juless experience

Jasper says ‘I missed my childhood … I had to grow up fast … I had to learn how to defend myself’

read full account of Jaspers experience

Jasper had a troubled childhood and adolescence in the 1960s and 70s. 

He was placed in the care system, where he suffered physical abuse from other young people and sexual abuse from a member of staff.

read full account of Jaspers experience

Debra says sexual abuse in her family was ‘an open secret’ but social services did not protect her

read full account of Debras experience

Debra describes growing up in a family where widespread sexual abuse occurred over several generations.  

When she gave evidence in court about one of her relatives, the police reprimanded her for not being a good witness.

read full account of Debras experience

Robb says that as a child ‘The only thing I knew was fear of authority’

read full account of Robbs experience

Robb was groomed and sexually abused by a teacher at his private school. 

When the abuser retired, he contrived to give Robb private tuition so he could continue abusing him.

read full account of Robbs experience

The man who abused Isla covered up his crimes by claiming she was deluded and had ‘a crush’ on him

read full account of Islas experience

Isla was 11 years old when she and her sister joined an activity club in their neighbourhood. 

The woman who ran the group was married to a man called Alfie, who sexually abused Isla for five years. Alfie convinced both her family and his that Isla was infatuated with him.

read full account of Islas experience

Cooper was afraid that if he spoke about being abused, he would be taken away from his mother

read full account of Coopers experience

Cooper was sexually and physically abused by his father.

Staff at school noticed he was bruised but when he was interviewed by social services and the police, his parents were present and he could not speak freely.

read full account of Coopers experience

Her mother’s religious devotion made Sara vulnerable to sexual abuse

read full account of Saras experience

Sara grew up in a divided family. Her mother was a Jehovah’s Witness but her father never joined the faith. He began to have affairs, left the family home and passed away when Sara was 11.

Relying on the support it provided, her mother became increasingly involved with her religion.

read full account of Saras experience

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