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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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For Keyleigh, the care system was a place of safety, away from her sexually abusive father

read full account of Keyleighs experience

Keyleigh says that the best times in her childhood were when she was taken into care.

She wishes that people in authority had asked her whether she wanted to go home to her parents, instead of assuming it was the best thing for her.

read full account of Keyleighs experience

Ethan was failed because society didn’t talk about sexual abuse at the time

read full account of Ethans experience

Ethan says he had a positive childhood with wonderful supportive parents and lots of opportunities. But this was marred by sexual abuse perpetrated by an adult from a youth organisation.

Ethan’s parents believed him when he told them, and took action, but stopped short of involving the police. He worries that his abuser may have continued his crimes.

read full account of Ethans experience

Woody has moved on from his past and is proud of what he has achieved

read full account of Woodys experience

Woody says that his parents were from ‘good backgrounds’ but after they separated his dad moved far away and his mum started abusing drugs. 

His mother lived a chaotic life which left him vulnerable to sexual abusers.

read full account of Woodys experience

Jaye says the Catholic church is more concerned to protect the institution rather than individuals

read full account of Jayes experience

Jaye was sexually abused by a priest who groomed him and his family.

He still has religious faith, but left the Catholic church because of his disillusionment with its response to child sexual abuse cases.

read full account of Jayes experience

Elisha says she didn’t finish her schooling and became promiscuous after she was abused

read full account of Elishas experience

Elisha grew up in an urban community where children played out together. She was sexually abused by some teenage boys.

Elisha describes her upbringing in the 1980s in a large city, where parents in the surrounding streets let their children play outside and go to the park together.

read full account of Elishas experience

Harrison was isolated in a school with an atmosphere of fear, humiliation and cruelty

read full account of Harrisons experience

Harrison was identified as ‘educationally subnormal’ and when he was 12 years old, was forced to attend a residential school far from home.

One of the few people who offered him any solace in the brutally harsh regime was a female staff member, but she betrayed his trust and sexually abused him.

read full account of Harrisons experience

Greyson says ‘I told them what was happening but it was my 13-year-old word against a Catholic monk’

read full account of Greysons experience

Greyson writes a moving account of sexual abuse that he suffered in his childhood and how his troubled early years have affected him.

He is currently serving a prison sentence.

read full account of Greysons experience

Dennis’s care records contained ‘half-truths and lies’ and he calls for improved reporting systems

read full account of Denniss experience

The sexual abuse inflicted on Dennis occurred some years ago, and he says that the records of his time in care are contradictory and inaccurate.

His recollection is that at a very young age he was deserted by his mother and was then placed in several children’s homes, an assessment centre, with a foster family and, for a brief period, in the care of a relative.

read full account of Denniss experience

Andi was labelled ‘highly strung’ when she told a teacher about her abusive stepfather

read full account of Andis experience

Andi says she was outspoken and she tried to defy her abusive stepfather. 

When she reported him, he convinced people that she was badly behaved.

read full account of Andis experience

Ffion says that when she was in care ‘It was scary and violent and nowhere was safe’

read full account of Ffions experience

Ffion feels angry and let down that professionals did not help her when she was being sexually abused.

She says ‘I should have been treated as a child, with respect and dignity, and loved. Someone should have said “this isn’t right”, instead of blaming me and normalising it’.

read full account of Ffions experience

Dilan says he felt ‘stuck’ as a child and wishes he could go back and bypass that stage

read full account of Dilans experience

A sports coach took advantage of Dilan’s dreams of being a football star and sexually abused him.

Dilan still lives with the effects of this trauma he experienced as a child.

read full account of Dilans experience

As a child migrant, Dermot was sent across the world to a place where ‘nowhere was safe’

read full account of Dermots experience

Dermot was shipped overseas with two of his brothers as child migrants in the early 1950s. He was six years old when he was sent to a completely alien environment, thousands of miles from home. They had been sent overseas after a complaint about the noise and boisterousness of the children at home and they were then assessed by an organisation responsible for child migration.

He tells a harrowing story of cruelty and abuse. He has used the anger he feels about his experiences to address the issue of redress for child migrants.

read full account of Dermots experience

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