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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Edward says that people mistakenly believed that religious staff would show empathy to children

read full account of Edwards experience

Edward’s father disappeared when he was born. When he was very young his mother was taken into hospital and took him with her. She died in the hospital and Edward was taken into care soon afterwards.

Edward has no memory of his mother – no photographs and no records. His earliest memory was being taken into care by nuns who ran a convent. His first memory of abuse was being in a dormitory with lots of other boys. Each bedtime, the boys were made to kneel by the bed and say their prayers. The nuns would then come around with a cane and hit the bottom of the bed. They would ask if the boys were asleep and if any of them were caught awake they were given a hiding.

read full account of Edwards experience

Daisy feels more should be done to meet the mental health needs of victims and survivors

read full account of Daisys experience

Daisy’s early recollections of her childhood are that her parents cared for her emotionally and physically. But when she was 10 or 11 years old, she began to experience fear and to develop obsessive compulsive disorder.

After talking to a school friend, she realised her life wasn’t as normal as she had thought and that her grandfather had been sexually abusing her since she was very young.

read full account of Daisys experience

Willow says ‘Everything I am is despite my abuse’

read full account of Willows experience

After Willow’s parents separated, she was sexually abused by a cousin, with the knowledge of her mother and his.  

This led to her displaying sexualised behaviour at school and becoming vulnerable to more abuse.

read full account of Willows experience

Nobody believed Leanne the first time she was abused, and this made it hard to report subsequent abuse

read full account of Leannes experience

Leanne has been sexually abused by three different males. She had mixed experiences dealing with the police.

Leanne and her brothers were brought up by her mother – their father was not in their lives. The first person who abused Leanne was her older brother, who started coming into her bedroom and touching her when she was in her early teens.

read full account of Leannes experience

Through counselling he had as an adult, Julien was able to understand why he struggled with anger

read full account of Juliens experience

Julien has a reading disability which meant he was labelled ‘thick’ at school.

He was happy when a teacher gave him positive attention, but this turned out to be grooming for sexual abuse.

read full account of Juliens experience

Aimie says parents need to be guided to listen to their children and respond to any disclosures

read full account of Aimies experience

Aimie wants to bust the myth that white middle class ‘functioning’ families don’t have abusers among them.

She was sexually abused by her grandfather, but her parents’ main concern seemed to be to protect him.

read full account of Aimies experience

Antonia says ‘As a child in the care system, you don’t speak out, you keep your mouth shut’

read full account of Antonias experience

Antonia endured years of sadistic treatment and abuse in the care system. 

Her mental and physical health are still seriously affected by vivid memories of her terrible experiences.

read full account of Antonias experience

Grahame describes feeling powerless against the might of the Church

read full account of Grahames experience

Grahame was sexually abused while he was at a theology school.

He was later told to leave the Order because of his behaviour.

read full account of Grahames experience

Jack says ‘I hated everyone, nobody cared and I was abusing solvents and truanting’

read full account of Jacks experience

Placed in care due to a family break-up, Jack’s vulnerability was exploited by a worker in the care system. Years later a gesture of kindness from a teacher was a turning point in his chaotic life that helped him reassess his view of the world.

Jack tried to report his abuser, but his experience was frustrating and unsatisfactory.

read full account of Jacks experience

Virgil says ‘It was the cover-up that annoyed me the most’

read full account of Virgils experience

Virgil was seriously sexually assaulted by a teacher, then told by the school principal the abuse had not happened.

He now feels more angry about this response than about the abuse itself.

read full account of Virgils experience

Barny says ‘The abuse went on for two years but the effects have lasted for more than 40’

read full account of Barnys experience

Barny suffered brutal sexual, physical and psychological abuse by a teacher.

For decades he was unable to talk about it, but has now spoken out and is having counselling.

read full account of Barnys experience

After years of abuse, Neelam is still repeatedly threatened that she must not ‘dishonour’ her family

read full account of Neelams experience

Neelam grew up in the 1970s and 80s and has dual heritage. Her father was from South Asia and her mother from the north of England. 

When she was a very young child, her father took her to his home country where she was ‘contracted’ into a marriage, and later physically and sexually abused by family members.

read full account of Neelams experience

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