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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Moira emphasises that some of the interventions concerning the abuse she suffered were effective

read full account of Moiras experience

Moira was sexually abused by her grandfather from a very early age. 

Good understanding and awareness of child sexual abuse by her mother and other professionals have helped her survive her experiences.

read full account of Moiras experience

Lillian is concerned that much of the sexual abuse she suffered was not included when the abuser was charged

read full account of Lillians experience

The teacher who sexually abused Lillian for five years was sent to prison.

She does not feel his sentence was long enough and she worries he will abuse again when he is released.

read full account of Lillians experience

‘There needs to be a will to listen to children’ Heather says. ‘What we’re lacking is investment’

read full account of Heathers experience

Heather suffered years of sadistic psychological and physical cruelty, and sexual abuse at the hands of members of her foster family.

She now works in child protection, and expresses her despair at the lack of investment in services.

read full account of Heathers experience

Paulie feels he was let down by several professionals he should have been able to trust

read full account of Paulies experience

Paulie regularly went home at weekends from his boarding school with bruises caused by assaults by other boys.

When he wrote to his mother about the abuse, the headmaster intercepted the letter.

read full account of Paulies experience

Isaiah says he was ‘fearful most of the time’ when he was young

read full account of Isaiahs experience

Isaiah was born during the Second World War. He describes his father as ‘a horrible man’ who was cruel to his mother, and evicted her and her four children from the house.

When he was six years old, Isaiah was placed in a Barnado’s home. He endured a harsh regime and sexual abuse by a matron.

read full account of Isaiahs experience

Danni feels guilty that the teacher who sexually abused her was allowed to work at another school

read full account of Dannis experience

When Danni reported abuse by a teacher, the school told her parents not to tell the police.

She feels strongly that private schools should not put their reputation before the welfare of children.

read full account of Dannis experience

Feeling unloved, Morgan looked for comfort in online relationships

read full account of Morgans experience

One of Morgan’s early memories is being told that she had ‘ruined Valentine’s Day’ as that was the day her mother discovered she was pregnant with her. She remembers being very sad in her childhood and wanting ‘to be loved by someone’.

She began looking at online teenage dating sites when she was about 11 years old, and was preyed on by abusers who she is now sure were older than they claimed.

read full account of Morgans experience

Hazel says ‘No one listened, no one acted. If they had I wouldn’t have had the struggles I’ve had’

read full account of Hazel s experience

Hazel’s ordeal of abuse has been made worse by the indifference and incompetence of some of the institutions that should have protected her.

After many years, she is still waiting to hear if the man who sexually abused her will be prosecuted.

read full account of Hazel s experience

Jerry hopes that the Truth Project will make church authorities face up to their failings

read full account of Jerrys experience

Jerry was abused as a teenager by a family friend, Vince, who was closely associated with the church.

The abuse continued for a few months until Jerry's father was warned about Vince by someone in the church. Soon after, Vince transferred to another parish. Jerry has often wondered if this was because of the abuse.

read full account of Jerrys experience

Toyah says ‘I thought I was just me – now I know it’s because of trauma I endured as a child’

read full account of Toyahs experience

Toyah describes the difficulties she faces in life as a result of being sexually abused.

She also says that in trying to obtain justice, help and support ‘I was re-traumatised by the system’.

read full account of Toyahs experience

Dot says the staff in her children’s home had the authority but not the skills to care for children

read full account of Dots experience

Dot endured years of sustained sexual abuse by numerous male residents in her children’s home.

She was punished for being the victim of abuse, and called ‘dirty’.

read full account of Dots experience

Gina was sexually abused by a music teacher and the family friend she told about the abuse

read full account of Gina s experience

Gina was subjected to sexual abuse by a music teacher, and then by a family friend in whom she had confided about the sexual abuse.

Gina says that she was always a quiet child, but she does not know whether this made her appear vulnerable to her abusers, or whether it was the sexual abuse that caused her to retreat.

read full account of Gina s experience

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