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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Because Elizabeth’s family was seen as a ‘problem’, no one cared what happened to her

read full account of Elizabeths experience

Elizabeth grew up in chaos and extreme poverty. She was physically abused by her father and bullied outside the home.

She believes this made her vulnerable to a catalogue of sexual abuse that continues to cause her distress and damage.

read full account of Elizabeths experience

Jayne’s foster father warned her that if she left home he’d ‘just get another young girl’

read full account of Jayne s experience

Jayne gives a poignant account of being unloved and abused throughout her childhood.

The people who should have protected her disbelieved her, or criticised her behaviour, instead of questioning the possible causes.

read full account of Jayne s experience

Deprived of love, at first Marianna welcomed the attention of the man who abused her

read full account of Mariannas experience

Marianna and her siblings were neglected and physically abused by their parents. 

She was sent to live in a children’s home. 

read full account of Mariannas experience

Benedict’s parents struggled to send him to boarding school - so he didn’t tell them he was abused there

read full account of Benedicts experience

Benedict was sent to a small Catholic boarding school in the 1970s. 

He was sexually abused by a priest but did not want to upset his parents by telling them.

read full account of Benedicts experience

Benen says ‘I know if I don’t get this out of my head it will destroy me … I just had to tell someone’

read full account of Benens experience

Benen was brought up as a Jehovah’s Witness. This isolated him at school and made him a target for bullying.

It also made him vulnerable to grooming and sexual abuse by two much older men.

read full account of Benens experience

Georgina says it hasn’t been easy, but she doesn’t feel like a victim anymore

read full account of Georginas experience

Georgina remembers feeling isolated as she grew up, recognising that her relationship with her family was ‘different’ to that of her half-siblings, and that she was treated as the ‘naughty one’.

Her father died when she was very young. Her mother remarried and had more children with a man who sexually and physically abused his stepdaughter.

read full account of Georginas experience

Mike says ’I don’t know a life without the young me being raped. I don’t know what a normal life would be’

read full account of Mikes experience

Mike describes the abuser who raped him when he was a child as a ‘well-respected and powerful man in uniform’. Despite years of suffering caused by his early experiences, he says he considers himself to be ‘luckier than most’. 

Mike, who grew up in an unsettled home, attended the local RAF air cadets squadron. He feels his vulnerability was clear to Oscar, the squadron leader, who singled Mike out to offer the attention, care and love that was missing from his family life.

read full account of Mikes experience

Ava says ‘I will probably always feel like I deserved it or something like that’

read full account of Avas experience

Ava was sexually abused when she was a young teenager by a member of a church music group she belonged to.

At the time, her parents were separating, and she describes what her abuser did as ‘classic grooming’.

read full account of Avas experience

For years, Brody felt his abuse was not ‘terrible’ but says ‘it’s had a really big impact actually’

read full account of Brodys experience

Brody was a bright child, and his parents were delighted when one of his teachers singled him out for praise and attention.

Because of their feelings, he was bewildered when this man sexually abused him, and powerless to tell them what was really happening.

read full account of Brodys experience

Blodwen says ‘I’m fed up of being stigmatised … it wasn’t my fault’

read full account of Blodwens experience

Blodwen says that while she was being sexually abused by her adoptive father, her behaviour made her ‘a nightmare’.

A number of professionals saw her during this time, but did not investigate why she was troubled.

read full account of Blodwens experience

Theon says that the more child sexual abuse is talked about, the better

read full account of Theons experience

Theon was groomed and sexually abused by two different men who had authority over him.

He believes there are particular dangers for children who are brought up in authoritarian environments.

read full account of Theons experience

The adults who knew that Keren was being sexually abused by a teacher blamed her, not him

read full account of Kerens experience

Keren grew up feeling overshadowed by her brothers, and was sometimes bullied by them at home and at school.

When a male teacher at her school showed an interest in her, she was pleased and grateful for what she saw as positive attention.

read full account of Kerens experience

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