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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Mariella says if the police had believed her report of abuse, it would have saved her daughter

read full account of Mariellas experience

When she was a teenager in the 1970s, Mariella tried to report that her father was raping her, but she was called a liar.

Twenty years later, Mariella discovered that he had sexually abused her daughter. She says  ‘I had tried to tell them before … it all would have been different if the police had believed me’.

read full account of Mariellas experience

Arlene felt it was her duty to put up with abuse from her father to protect her sister

read full account of Arlenes experience

Arlene grew up with her sister and brother in the 1970s and 80s. Her mother was a Jehovah’s Witness, and this was one of many issues that her parents fought over.

Her father was an alcoholic who was extremely violent towards the females in his family. He also sexually abused Arlene for seven years.

read full account of Arlenes experience

Cally was abused by a female teacher who told Cally she would be shamed for being a lesbian if she spoke out

read full account of Callys experience

Cally grew up in a middle class family and felt a lot of pressure to be successful. 

She says the damage to the family reputation if she told anyone she was being sexually abused was a threat she had to take seriously.

read full account of Callys experience

Kathleen says the effect of abuse cannot be ignored by society

read full account of Kathleens experience

Kathleen was a young girl when her stepfather moved into the family home. She already had sisters, and her mum and stepfather then had another girl.

She describes her stepfather as an ‘absolute monster’ and ‘a bit of a psychopath’. She says he tore her family apart and still does, because of the lasting effects of his abuse, violence, manipulation and control. 

read full account of Kathleens experience

Giving evidence against her abusive brother was traumatic for Helga, but resulted in his conviction

read full account of Helgas experience

Helga was sexually abused in her home by her older brother. 

Later in life he was charged with abusing his stepdaughter and she gave evidence against him in the case. She feels strongly that she would have benefited from more support after the court case.

read full account of Helgas experience

Malia believes that institutional racism was one reason why the abuse she endured was not spotted

read full account of Malias experience

Malia was sexually abused by her father and another adult, who made her pregnant.

She says that signs of abuse were ignored by authorities because of attitudes towards black people. Malia says that at school, racism was rife and no one took any interest in her. ‘You was black, no one gave a shit’. 

read full account of Malias experience

Juliet was disbelieved and blamed for the immoral behaviour of adults

read full account of Juliets experience

A succession of abusive encounters in the care system led to Juliet being sexualised at a young age, then disbelieved and blamed for the immoral behaviour of adults.

Juliet’s father left the family home when she was a baby and her mother was an alcoholic and a drug-user. At 18 months old, Juliet was placed in foster care with a family.

read full account of Juliets experience

Adrienne says abusers who give free drugs and alcohol ‘make it seem cool but you pay in a different way’

read full account of Adriennes experience

Adrienne’s parents were both addicted to heroin and she and her older siblings were given no boundaries and left to their own devices.

She describes how the absence of any positive attention in her life made her vulnerable to years of exploitation, violence and sexual abuse, organised by men for their amusement and gratification.

read full account of Adriennes experience

Tamzin was afraid to say she was being sexually abused. ‘I thought I would be in trouble, or get sent away’

read full account of Tamzins experience

Tamzin took up martial arts when she was a young girl, to try and protect herself from her abusive brother.

But the instructor sexually abused her, raped her and threatened her. 

read full account of Tamzins experience

In a secure unit, Ronald felt safe for the first time – but this did not last long

read full account of Ronalds experience

Ronald was sexually abused by two female family members and by a series of men in different institutions.

He has sought help to overcome his trauma, and to be a good parent to his daughter.

read full account of Ronalds experience

Fleur says counselling turned her life around

read full account of Fleurs experience

Fleur was raped by her stepfather for more than three years.

She showed possible signs of sexual abuse but these were not picked up by clinical or educational professionals.

read full account of Fleurs experience

Harlie endured years of grooming, control, coercion and sexual abuse by a martial arts instructor

read full account of Harlies experience

After her martial arts instructor manipulated and sexually abused her, Harlie considered suicide at the age of nine, and still lives with many impacts that significantly affect her.

Harlie describes a difficult family life; her father was violent, her mother had mental health problems and neither parent showed much interest in Harlie and her siblings.

read full account of Harlies experience

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