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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Molly believes her stepfather got together with her mother because she had children he could abuse

read full account of Mollys experience

Molly was abused by her stepfather for more than 10 years. 

He controlled her with threats and manipulation, but eventually she reported the abuse and he was jailed for the torment he had inflicted on her and her brother.

read full account of Mollys experience

Bledig says ‘Even now .... I often get that “fight or flight” feeling’

read full account of Bledigs experience

Bledig was sexually abused by a Catholic priest when he was a young altar boy.

He says that during his childhood and adolescence, he buried it, but decades later he gives a vivid and detailed account of the impact the abuse has had on him throughout his life.

read full account of Bledigs experience

Gaz says being sexually abused by a sports coach ‘put me in emotional turmoil which is still with me’

read full account of Gazs experience

Gaz was a talented diver, and he began training and competing when he was about eight or nine years old.

He joined a new club, and within a year the coach began sexually abusing him. 

read full account of Gazs experience

Laura says ‘It is humanising to go through therapy and see others who have been through so much’

read full account of Lauras experience

When Laura reached puberty, her stepfather began preying on her and sexually abusing her.

The police saw images of her on his computer, but she was too scared to say what he had done, and he was allowed back home.

read full account of Lauras experience

Male victims of child sexual abuse are faced with ignorance and prejudice, Andrew says

read full account of Andrews experience

From a young age, Andrew endured neglect in his family home, along with violence and sexual abuse from his father.

Staff in the care system, the police and teachers were aware that he was troubled and vulnerable, but he was not protected.

read full account of Andrews experience

Adult education and training helped Iain overcome the damage caused by child sexual abuse

read full account of Iains experience

Iain was sexually abused by two men who came into contact with his family. 

One was a youth leader who formed a relationship with his mother to increase his access to Iain.

read full account of Iains experience

Pierre says of the priest who abused him ‘We had no idea how to deny him, he had done so much for us’

read full account of Pierres experience

Pierre’s parents were devoted Catholics who struggled financially. 

A priest took advantage of their circumstances to sexually abuse two of their sons. 

read full account of Pierres experience

Christopher believes he was ‘fobbed off’ by many services he approached for support

read full account of Christophers experience

As a gay teenager from a relatively privileged background, Christopher was sexually abused and exploited. 

He describes how many professionals did not empathise with his difficulties because of the stigma attached to sex work. 

read full account of Christophers experience

Despite his horrendous childhood, Jaden has worked in his community to support troubled youngsters

read full account of Jadens experience

Following the death of his father, Jaden was left at the mercy of a succession of brutal abusers in the care system.

It is painful for him to relate the harrowing experiences he endured as a child, and the effect they had on him. 

read full account of Jadens experience

Penda’s cousin was allowed to visit her after he was convicted of sexually abusing her

read full account of Pendas experience

After Penda’s father died, her family received a lot of support from her aunt, who had three children.

But one of these cousins sexually abused Penda.

read full account of Pendas experience

Ruthie describes sexual abuse that happened in recent years, and how social services disregarded her report

read full account of Ruthies experience

When Ruthie reported that a male relative had sexually abused her, her family and social services were callous and dismissive.

She says ‘I sometimes wonder where I would be if they had believed me, if they had actually gone and investigated’.

read full account of Ruthies experience

Habiba says ‘Everything must be done to empower victims from minority groups’

read full account of Habibas experience

Habiba was sexually abused by her father.

She believes that the poor institutional response to her report was partly due to cultural bias.

read full account of Habibas experience

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