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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Experiences shared

Experiences shared

These are some of the experiences of child sexual abuse shared with the Truth Project by victims and survivors. All names and identifying details have been changed.

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Pruscilla says that boarding schools are ‘places full of abandonment and vulnerability’

read full account of Pruscillas experience

Pruscilla was subjected to an intimate and inappropriate medical examination by a school doctor.

Separated from her parents and surrounded by figures in authority, she felt powerless to object or complain.

read full account of Pruscillas experience

Tyler says ‘I feel more damaged now than I ever did, worse than when I was a child’

read full account of Tylers experience

Tyler was sexually abused by a female friend of his violent mother.

Thirty years on, he gives a powerful account of the harrowing effects of the abuse that he still lives with.

read full account of Tylers experience

Because Bryony was abused at home, she felt there was ‘nowhere to hide’

read full account of Bryonys experience

Bryony was sexually abused for five years in her family home.

Her father was an angry and intimidating figure, and she had no adult she could trust or confide in.

read full account of Bryonys experience

Ernie says boys at his school would rather have been caned than sexually abused

read full account of Ernies experience

Ernie had a learning difficulty that was not diagnosed when he was at school.

He was labelled as a difficult pupil and this made him vulnerable to a predatory teacher.

read full account of Ernies experience

Kai says the priority should be to protect children, not organisations

read full account of Kais experience

Many jokes and comments were made at Kai’s school about the inappropriate tendencies of the teacher who sexually abused her.

But when this teacher was charged with abuse, Kai says many staff and pupils defended him.

read full account of Kais experience

Gilbert was not safe at home, but his parents failed to protect him

read full account of Gilberts experience

Gilbert and his sister were both raped by their older brother in the family home.

This happened on many occasions, when the brother was left alone to look after his siblings, until Gilbert was about seven or eight years old. Gilbert’s brother threatened to kill him if he told anyone about the abuse.

read full account of Gilberts experience

Ezra’s father only believed him after media reports about the children’s home

read full account of Ezras experience

Ezra grew up in a large family. He describes himself as the ‘black sheep’ because he got into trouble so much.

At the age of 12, he was put in a children’s home where he was sexually abused. He reported it but was not believed.

read full account of Ezras experience

Blanca says the church she was a member of tried to cover up sexual abuse she experienced by another member

read full account of Blancas experience

Blanca was sexually abused by a member of the Jehovah’s Witnesses.

She describes the additional pain and trauma of being ostracised by almost everyone she knew when she reported the abuse.

read full account of Blancas experience

Otto says it feels strange to report abuse from decades ago … ‘it feels like you should be ok now’

read full account of Ottos experience

Otto was raped and sexually abused by his father for five years. 

He was seen by medical professionals but, he says, the culture of the 1960s was ‘somehow tolerant of abuse’ and no one helped him.

read full account of Ottos experience

Shawn says of the man who abused him ‘He’s not here to defend himself, but I am telling the truth’

read full account of Shawns experience

Rumours circulated about the behaviour of the teacher who was sexually abusing Shawn, but no action was taken.

He left to work at another school, and was later convicted of child sexual abuse.

read full account of Shawns experience

At the approved school Tommy was sent to, abuse was used to keep children in line

read full account of Tommys experience

Tommy was sent to an approved school in the 1960s, enduring separation from his beloved siblings, and physical and sexual abuse. He was harshly punished when he tried to take solace in innocent pastimes.

Tommy grew up in a large family. He describes his father as very caring – he worked hard but always had time for his children.

read full account of Tommys experience

Groomed and sexually abused in the cadets, Sonny felt trapped and alone

read full account of Sonnys experience

Looking back on his early years, Sonny can see that he was a vulnerable child. His mother was an alcoholic and had mental health issues, he regularly witnessed domestic violence and received no parenting.

At the age of 13 years he joined the cadets and would train with them regularly. An ex-serviceman called Logan would hang around outside the cadet building and talk to some of the boys and the cadet trainers. He began giving some of the boys lifts home.

read full account of Sonnys experience

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